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Dr. Andre Estevez

Chief Policy Advisor, Joint Commission on Interdenominational Relations (JCIR)

Executive Director, National Fellowship of Hispanic Southern Baptist Churches

"Most of my adult life, I have been committed to not participating in but fulfilling the great commission. And to do that, there is only one way - its unity! The Lord prayed in John 17 that “we may be one so that the world would know he was sent,” and if we get that, we can fulfill the Great Commission. 

When I was to share where the Holy Spirit was leading and my biggest concern, immediately the prayer that Jesus prayed for us came to mind, John 17:20 reads, “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” So, to fulfill the Great Commission, we really need to understand that the world will know that Christ was actually sent by the Father when we as the Body of Christ function as one.

So that immediately leads me to 1 Corinthians chapter 12, where each member described that we have different functions, but one member cannot say to another member that they are not a part of the body. But here is the thing, no member can say to the other member, “Hey, I don’t need you.” We all need to understand that we are all necessary.

What I really want to make sure that you understand as you are hearing this is don’t let anyone downplay the importance of what you are doing. Your mission field may seem simple to you, but none of us as denominational leaders can reach where you are reaching. Your neighbor, your coworker, your classmate - I will never be able to reach them, but God is equipping you to be one with the rest of the body so that you can actually get these people into the body as well."... watch the video for the full interview:

Once you watch the video and read the bible references, spend time with the Lord reflecting on the following:

·  Since the Church's unity shows the world that the Father sent His son, ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you what would happen to the world around us if the Church truly walked as one.

·  Is it possible for us to fulfill the Great Commission if parts of the body are missing?

·  What value does each part of the body have? 

·  Ask the Lord to help you see the other parts of the body through His eyes. What do you see?

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The time has come to tear down the walls that have separated us and the religious spirit that has bound us. Racial Reconciliation and unity are possible in our day. The world is waiting for the Church to rise up and to be what God created her to be. This devotional will help you see the Church, and its divine purpose, through the eyes of Christ.
