Explore God's Heart For World MissionsՕրինակ

Explore God's Heart For World Missions

ՕՐ 3 7-ից

Have you ever spent much time thinking about the influence and gift of intercessory prayer? The Bible is full of stories of people who knew God’s heart, prayed to God, and saw God move in powerful and dramatic ways! Andrew Murray says, “The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history.” To intercede is to pray to God on behalf of another person; taking up the cause and joining in the struggle of another by advocating for and pleading on their behalf. We have the great privilege of joining God on mission and enjoying the adventure of intercessory prayer!

Could it be that intercessory prayer was one of the intended ways for us to obediently answer Christ’s commission to reach the ends of the earth with the gospel? While we may read the Great Commission and assume it is a call for all to physically go, we see the value and accomplishment of prayer all throughout Scripture. James tells us that, “The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) is able to accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]” (James 5:16 AMP). Most of the time, praying for God’s kingdom to come in all the earth doesn’t cross our minds, and if it does, it is often a last resort or out of obligation. According to what we read in James, the incredible gift of prayer lends us the opportunity to co-labor with God in bringing the gospel to the unreached, and we don’t even need to leave our homes to do it. All we have to do is commit to falling to our knees for the sake of the nations.

Prayer also changes us. As we learn more of God’s heart through prayer, He changes how we think and act. We learn to love the things He loves, hate the things He hates, and see things the way He sees them. We also grow to understand and live under the reality of who we are praying to and what we are praying for. This gives us confidence as we pray. We are praying to our Abba Father who loves us and loves those we are praying for; who wants a relationship with us, and with the unreached around the world. He desires that no one be separated from Him, and sent His only son Jesus to purchase, with His own blood, a people for God. Our Father is passionate about reaching the lost and He loves to listen to and answer His children’s prayers. 

How can we practically do this? Firstly, we can pray daily for these great needs in reaching the unreached. For laborers going to the field, for more resources focused on the unreached, and for spiritual strongholds to be torn down among these groups. Secondly, we can gather together in our families, life-groups, and friend groups, and circle around a world map with photos and information about unreached people groups. Then, together, find their location on the map and start praying. William Carey, a pioneer missionary to India said, “To know the will of God we need an open Bible and an open map.”

The way of our Abba Father is this; “Ask, and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened” (Luke 11:9-10). This is the way of the Kingdom of God, and this is the inheritance we call our own. Through prayer, we have the opportunity to make a way for others to do the same. 


Hindus live mostly in India and Nepal. The Hindu people believe in millions of gods. Hindus worship idols of their gods by giving them food, flowers and money. They also believe they are caught in a cycle of birth-death-rebirth, called reincarnation. The Hindu Brahmins of India are the holders of the sacred teachings of Hinduism, holding their place at the top of the Hindu social ladder. This adds to the challenge they have in accepting Jesus as Lord, since He has been closely linked with the Dalits (Hinduism’s Untouchables). God offers eternal life, but a Brahmin believes he is on the verge of enlightenment, the perfect state of bliss that only comes after many reincarnations, and in his mind, to accept Christ would mean losing it all.

Father God, lead believers who can have influence in Brahmins’ lives to reach out to them in all parts of the world. Holy Spirit, humble Brahmins so that they can receive Your grace and Your guidance. Father of Lights, the Brahmins seek enlightenment. Open their eyes to the true light of the world, who is Jesus! Father, You are willing that none should perish, and You’ve given us a powerful and applicable way to partner with You in reaching the nations. Spur us on to intercede for the Brahmins, and all those who have yet to hear the message of the gospel. Make us vigilant in this great task, that You may be made known. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

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Explore God's Heart For World Missions

This is a plan that talks about God's heart for global missions. It looks through scripture where God calls us to reach the unreached and talks about God's heart for the nations. This 7-day plan will explore how we as Christians should engage in God's plan to reach the world.
