The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, the Word of GodՕրինակ

The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, the Word of God

ՕՐ 16 20-ից

Listening to God


YHWH desires to not only hear from his people but he also desires that they posture themselves to hear him. Interestingly, the Hebrew word for listen, shema, is not as simple as sitting back and hearing from God. Instead, to shema is to both listen and obey that which is heard. In this way, listening to God requires both receptiveness and obedience. 


Instructions for Daily Reading 

Each day as you engage the Scripture, we recommend following this pattern of devotional reading.  


[Take a brief moment of silence to quiet your heart.] 


1. Read the Scripture aloud. 

2. Seek out where King Jesus is at work in the Scripture. 

3. Pray over the Scripture. 

4. Discern how this Scripture impacts your life. 


[Demonstrate loyalty to Jesus in one tangible way today.] 


Daily Readings  - James 1:22-25

Discussion & Reflection: In the eyes of God, hearing and acting upon his word are two sides of the same coin. James 1:22 says, “But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” This scripture points to the emphasis God places on being “doers” of the word. How can we be “doers” of the word? How can we put into action what we read in scripture and what we hear from God?

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