Daily Bible Reading — Sustained By God’s Word Of FaithՕրինակ
May 21
The Ephraimites prepare to battle the men of Gilead. Under Jephthah’s leadership, the Ephraimites are defeated. Following the death of Jephthah, today’s reading concludes with a brief description of three men who led Israel.
Today’s Scripture: Judges 12:7a
Jephthah led Israel for six years.
Today’s Reading
Judges 12:1-15
What was the source of the Ephraimites’s complaint? What was Jephthah’s response? The Ephraimites had made a similar complaint to Gideon, but Gideon was able to avert an armed conflict (see Judges 8:1-3). What tactic did the men of Gilead employ to prevent the Ephraimites from escaping? How are conflicts resolved within your community of faith?
Merciful God, whenever I am consumed with anger, teach me to turn to you and confess what is on my heart. Guide me in the way of peace and help me to resolve the situation in a way that is pleasing in your sight. Amen.
Prayer Concern
Communities of faith experiencing conflict
Tomorrow’s Reading
Judges 13:1-25: Samson is born.
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Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with the Bible. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “Sustained by God’s Word of Faith.”