Heaven Unveiled - Prophetic Gallery SeriesՕրինակ

Heaven Unveiled - Prophetic Gallery Series

ՕՐ 6 6-ից

Jesus gives a final message  

Thoughts on the Passage

Jesus Himself speaks a final word. 

Not too often does God Himself choose to finish a letter to us. Jesus starts this letter with a special personal vision for John and ends it with a personal note to the readers – there is nothing else like this in the whole Bible. So let’s listen carefully to what He says.

First, Jesus speaks to the Jewish believers – He is their Messiah. When they deal with rejection from the rest of the Jewish people, they can be assured that they are following God correctly. Revelation is full of challenges these believers must face and Jesus re-assures them in their faith.

Second, “is anyone thirsty? Anyone?” The water of life – eternal life God designed for mankind in the beginning, is freely available. The Spirit of God calls to us. The rest of the Bride calls out to us. We call out to others. Come, and drink freely. This is Jesus calling all to salvation and eternal life. Let us call this out as He instructs us.

Third, BE CAREFUL. Jesus warns us strongly, do not add to this and do not take anything away from this letter. This speaks clearly to this generation of the Church and our world. We have looked at Revelation from the point of view of the early church – that is because Jesus expected them to understand this letter and revelation. Now we see something else – Jesus said that EVERYTHING that needed to be understood was available to the early Church. Nothing needs to be added, and nothing can be ignored. 

Too often the church today assumes that we are the only generation that really understands this book of the Bible. That is hubris (prideful thinking) at its worst. Yes, history gives us greater clarity, but it does not add anything. Be careful not to add. To the world around us that wants to take away God’s judgment of sin – do not do it. To the world around us that wants to ignore the claim that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords – do not do it. To the Church, Jesus calls us to faithfulness – in living for Him in a world that is anti-Christ, in praying for His kingdom to come, and in living holy lives.

Fourth, Jesus says the time of the vision’s fulfillment is close. It has been nearly 2000 years; how can it be close? Jesus said it is close. That is enough for me.


Father, the time is close for Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, to come. Come Lord Jesus. Until then, give me an ear that listens closely, eyes that see clearly, and a heart that follows closely to Jesus. Continue to show me more details of the pictures in this great gallery. Give me greater understanding of this book, something that You have shown to Your children throughout the ages. Help me to listen carefully to these words of encouragement from Jesus, share faithfully of the river of life to my world, and walk humbly so that the words of Jesus take root in my life and grow wonderful fruit. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Heaven Unveiled - Prophetic Gallery Series

Many of us have thought about what our heavenly home will be like. In Plan 13 of Revelation, we read the description of heaven and start painting all these wonderful pictures in our minds. But we will never come close to picturing what God our Father has in store for us. So let us take heed of Jesus final message in Revelation and make sure we don’t miss out on what God is preparing for us.
