Eternal Security Օրինակ

Eternal Security

ՕՐ 4 7-ից


What about Jesus and the Holy Spirit?

As we have already seen in Hebrews 10, the death of Christ removed the hangman’s noose of sin from the believer’s neck once and for all. To deny this truth is to say the blood of Christ wasn’t good enough to cover all our sins irrespective of time, degree, or confession. That would mean that Christ’s work wasn’t enough, and now we must add our own good works to His in order to maintain our salvation. What an insult to our Lord and Savior! 

In 1st John we are told that, as sinners, we have an advocate with our Father, who is Jesus Christ. He is the propitiation for our sins. Whenever we sin after salvation, Jesus Christ acts as our lawyer to defend us against the accusing finger of Satan. Our lawyer rests His case on His own shed blood. He merely states that the debts accrued by our sins have been paid in full. Case dismissed. 

In addition, the Word of God also says that Jesus is our intercessor. In Hebrews we read that Christ ever lives to make intercession for those He has saved. To say that a believer who is saved can be lost doesn’t say much for Christ’s prayer life, does it? Thus, Christ’s past work on the cross and present work in prayer buttress the doctrine of eternal security. 

What can we say about the Holy Spirit? When one becomes a Christian, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of him. According to Christ, the Holy Spirit is our comforter who abides and dwells in us forever. The Holy Spirit has sealed us unto the day of redemption. The seal in New Testament times had three uses. First, to authenticate. Paul said the Corinthians were the seal of his apostleship. They authenticated him as an apostle. The Holy Spirit marks us out as authentic Christians. Secondly, to protect. The book of Revelation talks about 144,000 who are sealed; that is, they are protected from death. The seal of the Holy Spirit protects us from the second death, which is the eternal separation from God. Thirdly, to indicate ownership. The seal was like a brand on cattle, a mark of ownership. We are God’s purchased possession. Clearly, the indwelling and sealing of the Holy Spirit point toward the permanent protection we have from God until the day of redemption. That’s eternal security. It’s not our persevering power which guarantees our salvation. The Father’s infinite power and unconditional love, the Son’s once-for-all sacrifice, the Spirit’s permanent indwelling and protective sealing— all these contributions add up to one conclusion: our eternal security. Any denial of eternal security becomes an attack against the character and work of God. 

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Eternal Security

 This 7-day devotional will help you understand why your salvation in Christ is secure and embrace the kind of life God desires you to live.
