Break Free From Comparison a 7 Day Devotional by Anna LightՕրինակ

Break Free From Comparison a 7 Day Devotional by Anna Light

ՕՐ 2 7-ից

What is comparison? 

Comparison is a form or manifestation of insecurity. It comes from lack. Lack of identity. Lack of purpose. Lack of confidence in who we are and the life we have been given.

Insecurity comes from believing lies and not knowing or believing our true identity. So when we compare ourselves to others, essentially we’re saying, “I don’t know or believe in who I am, and I don’t know or believe in who God is.” 

We compare because we are searching for a sense of security outside of ourselves. Whether we know it or not we are constantly searching for where we fall in the hierarchy of life. We want to know our place in life, where we fall and how we measure up to others because we lack a sense of security that should come from within. 

True, some of us compare from a lack of confidence. People who struggle with comparison may not realize how blessed, gifted and talented they are because they're too others-focused. Many others may compare because of their competitive and perfectionist nature. Type-A personalities are driven by this nature. You’re often the best at things, the go-to leader, the alpha male or female of your group or community so your propensity to compare comes from your desire to always be on top. Being the best gives you a sense of security, but it is not a security that lasts. No matter why you compare we must acknowledge that comparison never leads to true humility, which pleases God.

Comparison is also a thief. You’ve heard it said: “Comparison kills contentment.” “Comparison is the thief of joy.” “Comparison kills your influence.”

Comparison steals, kills and destroys our minds and our hearts. Because of this we see comparison as a tool of the enemy. Your enemy hates you and will stop at nothing to diminish the life of God in you, the full and abundant life He promises. When we give in to comparison we give the enemy a foothold in our lives and can’t experience all that God has for us.

We may not intentionally compare ourselves but the temptation and danger of comparison are always before us because comparison is a sin. But like any sin, we must commit ourselves to a lifestyle away from sin and away from comparison.

Do you compare from lack of confidence, or from a false sense of security to be the best? 

Lord, I confess my propensity to compare myself to others. Sometimes I do it without even knowing it. I want to better know Who You are and I want to know who I am because of You. I desire that my inner confidence that comes from my relationship with You. Search my heart and show me the root of why I struggle with comparison and set me free in Jesus' Name! 

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Break Free From Comparison a 7 Day Devotional by Anna Light

You know God offers you a more abundant life than the one you're living, but the sad truth is comparison holds you back from going to the next level. In this reading plan Anna Light uncovers insights that will shatter the lid comparison puts on your capabilities, and help you live the free and abundant life God designed for you. 
