(Luke) Shining Light Tells the Good Story 23

1When they were done, they tied ropes around him again. All the ones who had gathered there got up and followed as they took Creator Sets Free (Jesus) to Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate), the governor of the People of Iron (Romans).
Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) represented the People of Iron (Romans). His job was to keep the “peace” and make sure there were no uprisings among the tribes. He came out of his lodge to hear the charges against Creator Sets Free (Jesus).
2So they began to accuse him, “We caught this man misleading our nation and telling people not to pay taxes to the government of the People of Iron (Romans). He tells the people that he is the Chosen One, a Great Chief.”
3Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) turned to Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and asked him, “Do you say that you are chief of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel)?”
“It is you who have said it,” he replied.
4Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) turned to the head holy men and said in front of all the people, “I see no reason to find this man guilty.”
5But they kept accusing him and saying, “He is making trouble with the people of the Land of Promise (Judea), spreading his teachings from Circle of Nations (Galilee) to Village of Peace (Jerusalem).”
6After hearing this and finding out Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was from Circle of Nations (Galilee), 7he decided to send him to Looks Brave (Herod), who was in Village of Peace (Jerusalem) for the festival, for Looks Brave (Herod) was chief of the territory of Circle of Nations (Galilee).
8Chief Looks Brave (Herod) was happy to see him. He had waited a long time for this, for he had heard much about Creator Sets Free (Jesus). He was hoping to see some powerful medicine come from him.
9-10The head holy men and scroll keepers made strong accusations against him, so Looks Brave (Herod) dug deep with many questions.
But Creator Sets Free (Jesus) stood silent and gave no answer.
11Chief Looks Brave (Herod) mocked him along with his soldiers. They dressed him in a fancy robe and sent him back to the People of Iron (Romans). 12Looks Brave (Herod) and Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) had been enemies, but on that day they became friends.
13When they brought Creator Sets Free (Jesus) back to Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate), he then gathered the head holy men, the spiritual leaders, and the people together 14and said to them, “You told me this man was a troublemaker, but I questioned him and found him not guilty of your accusations. 15Looks Brave (Herod), one of your own people, also questioned him and found nothing wrong with him. Can you not see that this man has done nothing that deserves death? 16I will have him whipped and release him.”
17By tradition the People of Iron (Romans) would release one criminal during the festival. 18But they all shouted, “No! Not Creator Sets Free (Jesus)! Instead release Son of His Father (Barabbas)!” 19Now this man was a troublemaker who had caused an uprising and had been imprisoned for murder.
20Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) wanted to release Creator Sets Free (Jesus), so he asked again what they wanted to do with Creator Sets Free (Jesus). 21The crowd began to roar, “Death! Death on the cross!”
22Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) quieted the crowd and a third time said, “Why! What evil has he done? I have not found him guilty or worthy of death. I will have him beaten and then set him free.”
23The crowd would not back down. Louder and louder they demanded his death on the cross again and again, 24until Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) finally gave them what they wanted. He made his official decision, 25released Son of His Father (Barabbas), a man of violence, guilty of uprising and murder, and he turned Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the man of peace, over to what the people wanted.
The cross was used by the People of Iron (Romans) as an instrument of torture to strike fear into criminals or anyone who dared to rise up against their empire. Iron nails would be used to pierce the hands and feet of the victims, fastening them to the tree-pole and its crossbeam. They would then hang there until dead. It was one of the most painful and cruel ways to die ever created by human beings. Often the victim was forced to carry the large wooden crossbeam to the place where they would be executed.
26The soldiers then marched Creator Sets Free (Jesus) away. A man named Listening Man (Simon), from Land of Power (Cyrene) in northern Africa, was just entering Village of Peace (Jerusalem). The soldiers forced him to walk behind Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and carry the crossbeam for him.
27A large crowd of people trailed behind. Some of the women were wailing and crying out loud. 28Creator Sets Free (Jesus) turned to them and said, “Daughters of Village of Peace (Jerusalem), weep not for me but for yourselves and your children.
29“The time is coming soon when people will say, ‘It is better for the women who have borne no children, for they will not have to watch them die.’ 30People will say to the mountains and the hills, ‘Fall on us and cover us over.’#23:30 Hosea 10:8
31“If they do this to a green tree, what will they do to the trees that are dead and dry?”
32Two other men, both of them criminals, were also walking the road with him to be put to death.
33When they came to the place called “The Skull,” they nailed the hands and feet of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) to a tree-pole—the cross. They did the same for the two criminals, putting one on each side of him.
34“Father, forgive them!” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) cried out. “They do not know what they are doing.”
The soldiers divided up his garments and gambled for them by drawing straws.#23:34 Psalm 22:18
35The people watched as the spiritual leaders mocked him. “He set others free,” they said, “why can he not free himself, if he is Creator’s Chosen One?”
36The soldiers offered Creator Sets Free (Jesus) wine mixed with bitter herbs 37and mocked him. “If you are the Great Chief of the tribes,” they laughed, “then set yourself free.”
38Above his head, carved above the crossbeam, were these words in three languages:
39One of the thieves next to him spewed out angry words, “If you are the Chosen One, save yourself and us!”
40Then the other thief spoke up and said, “Have you no fear or respect for the Great Spirit? 41We are guilty and suffering for our own wrongdoings, but this man has done nothing wrong!”
42The man turned to Creator Sets Free (Jesus)and said to him, “Honored One, remember me when you come into the power of your good road.”
43Creator Sets Free (Jesus) looked at the man and said, “Listen closely, before the sun sets today, you will walk with me in the beautiful garden.”#23:43 Paradise
44It was now midday, for the sun had reached the center of the sky.#23:44 Lit. the sixth hour A great shadow of darkness covered the land like a blanket, and the sky remained dark until midafternoon.#23:44 Lit. the ninth hour 45The light of the sun grew dim, and the great heavy blanket that hung over the entry to the Most Holy Place in the sacred lodge was torn in two down the middle.
46At the same time Creator Sets Free (Jesus) cried out with his last breath, “O Great Father, my spirit is in your hands!”#23:46 Psalm 31:5
Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was dead.
47One of the head soldiers of the People of Iron (Romans), who saw all these things, honored the Great Spirit by saying, “He must have been an upright man, not deserving death.”
48When the large crowd that had gathered to watch saw and heard all that was happening, they began to wail and beat their fists against their chests as they walked home.
49Many friends of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) stood watching from a distance, along with the women who had walked the road with him from Circle of Nations (Galilee).
50-51A man named He Gets More (Joseph) sat on the Grand Council of elders but had not agreed with the decision to put Creator Sets Free (Jesus) to death. He was a good-hearted and upright man from the tribal village of High Mountain (Arimathea), one who looked for Creator’s good road.
52He went to Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate) and asked for the body of Creator Sets Free (Jesus). 53He then took it down from the cross and ceremonially wrapped his body with soft cloths. Then he laid the body in a newly carved burial cave that had never been used.
54It was still the Day of Preparation for the Passover, and the Day of Resting would soon begin. 55After the women who had walked the road with him from Circle of Nations (Galilee) saw where they put his body, 56they left and went to prepare herbal spices and sweet-smelling ointments. Then they settled into their homes and followed the instructions for Day of Resting.





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