Hebrews 7

The Melchizedek Priesthood
1-2Melchizedek’s name means “king of righteousness.” He was the King of Peace, because the name of the city he ruled as king was Salem, which means “peace.” And he was also a priest of the Most High God. Now when Abraham was returning from defeating many kings in battle, Melchizedek went out to meet him and blessed him. Then Abraham took a tenth of everything he had won in battle and gave it to Melchizedek. # 7:1–2 See Gen. 14:17–20. 3This Melchizedek has no father or mother, and no record of any of his ancestors. He was never born and he never died, but his life is like a picture # 7:3 Or “made to resemble.” of the Son of God, a King-Priest forever! 4Now let me show you proof of how great this Melchizedek is:
– Even though Abraham was the most honored and favored patriarch of all God’s chosen ones, # 7:4 Implied in the text with the comparison made explicit. he gave a tithe of the spoils of battle to Melchizedek. 5It would be understandable if Melchizedek had been a Jewish priest, for later on God’s people were required by law to support their priests financially, because the priests were their relatives and Abraham’s descendants. 6But Melchizedek was not Abraham’s Jewish relative, # 7:6 Or “does not share their ancestry.” and yet Abraham still paid him a tithe.
– Melchizedek imparted a blessing on mighty Abraham, who had received the promises of God. 7And no one could deny the fact that the one who has the power to impart a blessing is superior to the one who receives it.
8Although the Jewish priests received tithes, they all died—they were mortal. But Melchizedek lives on!
9It could even be said that Levi, the ancestor of every Jewish priest who received tithes, actually paid tithes to Melchizedek through Abraham. 10For although Levi was yet unborn, the seed from which Levi came was present in Abraham # 7:10 Or “Levi was in the loins of his father Abraham.” In effect, Abraham submitted all his sons to the priesthood of Melchizedek. when he paid his tithe to Melchizedek.
11If any of the Levitical priests who served under the law had the power to bring us into perfection, then why did God send Christ as Priest after the likeness of Melchizedek? He should have said, “After the likeness of Aaron.”
12And furthermore, for God to send a new and different rank of priest, meant a new law would have had to be instituted even to allow it!
Jesus and the Priesthood of Melchizedek
13Yet the One these things all point to, was from a different tribe and no one from that tribe ever officiated at God’s altar, 14for we all know that our Lord didn’t descend from the tribe of Levi, but shined from the tribe of Judah. # 7:14 As translated from the Aramaic. And Moses himself never said anything of a priest in connection with Judah’s tribe.
15And all this is made even clearer if there was another King-Priest raised up with the rank of Melchizedek. 16This King-Priest did not arise because of a genealogical right under the law to be a priest, but by the power of an indestructible, resurrection life! # 7:16 The word indestructible comes from a word that means, “tied together in unity,” that is, “a united life” (or “union with God”). Resurrection life is implied, for the priestly ministry of Jesus began after he was raised from the dead. The Aramaic can be translated “He has life-giving power that has no beginning.” Jesus’ ministry of Prophet, Priest, and King flows from his unlimited life of resurrection power!
17For it says in the Psalms,
You are like Melchizedek, a King-Priest forever!
18The old order of priesthood has been set aside as weak and powerless. # 7:18 Or “useless.” 19For the law # 7:19 Or in Aramaic “Torah.” has never made anyone perfect, but in its place is a far better hope which gives us confidence to experience intimacy with God! 20And he confirmed it to us with his solemn vow. # 7:20 As translated from the Aramaic. The Greek is “Since this was not done without a solemn oath, for the others became priests without a sworn oath.” For the former priests took their office without an oath, 21but with Jesus, God affirmed his royal-priesthood with his promise, saying,
The Lord has made a solemn oath
and will never change his mind,
“You are a King-Priest forever!” # 7:21 See Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:6; 6:20; 7:17.
22So all of this magnifies the truth that we have a superior covenant with God than what they experienced, for Jesus himself is its guarantor! # 7:22 The Aramaic can be translated “through which we gained Jesus.” 23As additional proof, we know there were many priests under the old system, for they eventually died and their office had to be filled by another. 24But Jesus permanently holds his priestly office, since he lives forever and will never have a successor! # 7:24 As translated from the Aramaic and implied in the Greek.
25So he is able to save fully from now throughout eternity, # 7:25 The Greek text is somewhat ambiguous, an alternative translation could be “He is able to save for all time” or “He is able, now and always, to completely [fully] save,” or “He is able to save into the always.” everyone who comes to God through him, because he lives to pray continually for them. 26He is the High Priest who perfectly fits our need—holy, without a trace of evil, without the ability to deceive, incapable of sin, # 7:26 As translated from the Aramaic. The Greek is “separate from sinners.” and exalted beyond the heavens!
27Unlike the former high priests, he is not compelled to offer daily sacrifices. They had to bring a sacrifice first for their own sins, # 7:27 See Lev. 16:6–16. then for the sins of the people, but he finished the sacrificial system, once and for all, when he offered himself. 28The law appointed flawed men as high priests, but God’s promise, sealed with his oath, which succeeded the law, appoints a perfect Son who is complete forever!

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Hebrews 7: TPT





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