Knowing GodMinta

Knowing God

4. NAP A(Z) 10-BÓL/-BŐL

by Mark Hayes

My kids have picked up on an instructional theme shared with them since they were small. I would give them a single word to teach them to think of others in every situation. The word is “awareness.” When they would goof around in a store and bump into a shopper’s cart, I would talk to them about being respectful of others by politely staying out of their way, saying, “awareness.” If they were speaking too loudly in a quiet setting, I would encourage them to keep their voices down so as not to disturb others, whispering, “awareness.” Eventually, I could condense the entire speech into that one word, and they knew exactly what I meant. Awareness.

Recently, my 16-year-old son was with me at a shopping center and the person ahead of us was taking up the entire aisle and blocking our way. My son looked at me and mouthed the word, “awareness.”

In our faith lives, awareness is important in two significant ways. First, how we act as members of God’s family makes a difference in how we interact with others at work, at home, and in public; perhaps we are seen as a safe person to approach when someone needs to talk about a serious issue or just needs a friendly ear. Second, actively looking for ways to share the love of Jesus may make an eternal difference in the lives of others.

But he said, “I must preach the good news of the Kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” (Luke 4:43)

The people rejoiced when Jesus and his disciples shared God’s message of hope. Jesus knew people couldn’t stay comfortable in one setting with one group. There were many others who needed his love and hope. Jesus cares deeply about every individual. He also has great awareness of the many people whom he still needs to reach. He uses us to carry out that mission.

Jesus’ example in Luke chapter 4:43 can be condensed into a single word: Awareness. Live like his child wherever you are. Share his love wherever you go.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for not being content to be present in the lives of only one group of people at one point in time. On the Earth, you went from town to town to reach as many people as possible. Since you’ve returned to Heaven, we cling to your promise that you are with us always, and we heed your command to share your message of salvation to the ends of the Earth. Give us confidence to share your message with joy and insight to be your ambassadors. In your name we pray. Amen.


Nap 3Nap 5

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Knowing God

Each day presents a new opportunity to know our God and his love more deeply. This 10-day devotion series approaches a variety of aspects of God’s role in our lives. Though this series, you’ll understand how we can talk to him in prayer, listen to his Word, sing his praises, and give him our thanks.
