Knowing GodMinta

Knowing God

10. NAP A(Z) 10-BÓL/-BŐL

Worry Is Driving Car in Reverse
by Pastor Kenley Mann

We all worry.If we didn’t, Jesus wouldn’t have talked about it as much as he does in the Gospels. Jesus asks, Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? (Luke 12:25)

Worry can subtract countless hours from our lives, from ulcers to heart attacks, high blood pressure, and sleeplessness.

With God in front of you, worrying is like driving your car in reverse away from Him. It distances you from God. Prayer puts your vehicle in drive and worry in the rear-view mirror. Prayer brings you closer to God and further away from worry.

Jesus’ antidote to worry is given a few verses later. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. (Luke 12:31)

Let’s hop into your running car again. Press on the accelerator and what does that do? Wastes gas, stresses the engine and gets you nowhere. Like what worrying does.

Instead of worrying, let’s understand a promise in God’s Word to care for us. In Philippians 4:19, the Bible reads “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

We pray that the Holy Spirit will take that promise from God and that He would put it into our hearts, fill us with trust, and transform us into God’s trusting children.

The sin of worrying can make a mess in our lives, but God isn’t angry anymore. While Jesus was on His cross, God didn’t point the accusing finger at us, but at Jesus. Because of that, we have forgiveness of sins, including the sin of worrying. We have the kingdom of God without worry.

Prayer: Lord, we praise you for being the God who always keeps his promises. You give the promise that you will meet all our needs according to your glorious riches in Christ. Give us trust in You, in your promise, and deliver us from worry. We praise You for making us children of promise. Amen.


Nap 9

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Knowing God

Each day presents a new opportunity to know our God and his love more deeply. This 10-day devotion series approaches a variety of aspects of God’s role in our lives. Though this series, you’ll understand how we can talk to him in prayer, listen to his Word, sing his praises, and give him our thanks.
