You Are My One ThingEgzanp

You Are My One Thing


Give Me Jesus

More than silver, more than gold

You are the treasure that I hold

Now that I've tasted of Your goodness, nothing else will satisfy

In Matthew 19:16–24, Jesus is approached by a rich young ruler who desires to learn from Him about eternal life. This man has kept the Law. He has not murdered, committed adultery, or stolen. Jesus tells him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (Matthew 19:21). But, the man does not accept Jesus’ invitation. He does not want to give up all he has.

For most of us today, our lives are very similar to this man’s. Not stealing or murdering are fairly easy commands to keep. Many of us are even active churchgoers, volunteers, or leaders. We’ve got all the right things going to qualify us as pursuers of righteousness. However, just like this young man, we struggle to fully accept Jesus’ invitation to follow Him.

I don’t want anything but You

You’re more than every dream come true

All of the things I thought I wanted don’t come close to knowing You

We, too, have to give up all of our “possessions.” This is so much more than physical objects, although they can play a part. We may have a lot of good things going for us: a job, a family or relationship, a good reputation. Jesus invites us to abandon any attachment to earthly things or status. He invites us to die to ourselves, our desires, and our will and instead receive Him, His plans, and His will.

Jesus is the perfect example for us. He gave up His own life, surrendering His will to the will of the Father for the sake of us whom He loves. He is asking us to do the same, to come and follow Him. To give up the world and gain the precious and most beautiful treasure of Jesus Himself. Following Jesus means truly giving up all other loves we have in this world and responding with, “You are my one thing.”

Give me Jesus

Give me Jesus

You can have all this world

You can have all this world

I don’t want anyone else

I don’t need anything else

You are my one thing

You are my one thing

To learn more about the 2022 album “You Are My One Thing” or to experience more of ORU Worship, a ministry of Oral Roberts University (ORU), please visit:

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You Are My One Thing

God is worthy of our worship. This devotional plan, based on ORU Worship’s 2022 album, “You Are My One Thing,” will encourage you to grow in faith and be transformed as you reflect on God’s attributes and grace. Every day, the plan relates album lyrics to Scripture to help you revel in worshipping the Lord above all.
