Going Deeper - EphesiansEgzanp

Going Deeper - Ephesians

JOU 3 SOU 10

History has always been divided into two eras based on the arrival of Jesus into the world namely BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini - the year of the Lord). Our lives too have a similar demarcation based on our salvation. We had our pre-Christ years when we lived as we pleased, tied down to sin and pleasures of the world. On inviting Jesus to be the Lord of our lives we stepped into newness where we live as people of the light. This means that we are led by the Holy Spirit’s prompting and direction. We don’t give in to our fleshly desires and passions like before. Instead, we are conscious of God’s love and mercy towards us and choose to live in obedience to Him.

The beauty of this new life is that we now have our identity and position in Christ. We are united with Him in Spirit and we sit with Him in the heavenly places spiritually. This means that when we go through life with all of its ups and downs we can view it with a renewed vision. A vision that will clearly see the endless measure of God’s love and kindness to us in Christ Jesus. One evidence of this great love is seen in our salvation which is given to us by a gracious God, when we express our faith in Jesus. We are not saved by our good works but we are saved for good works that God intended for us. The good that we do for others in the body of Christ and the world at large will demonstrate to them the power and presence of a risen Christ.

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Going Deeper - Ephesians

We dive deep into every chapter of Ephesians in this Bible plan so that we get to chew on the familiar scriptures that we could so easily overlook. Our desire is that as you study this book alone or with friends that God speaks to you on your divine purpose in this world and gives you the needed direction for the road ahead.
