Going Deeper - EphesiansEgzanp

Going Deeper - Ephesians

JOU 7 SOU 10

New life!

That’s what we have in Jesus. He literally wipes the slate clean when we repent and turn to Him in faith. He declares us “not guilty” and sets us free from sin’s penalty.

What peace and joy that should bring us!

As we progress in the Christian life, we find that sometimes though, we slip into old patterns of thinking and being. We must remember that in Christ, we figuratively put on our new nature which means we must discard the old nature. This happens when we live a life surrendered to God who helps us walk in newness on a daily basis. He doesn’t guilt us or shame us into this new life instead he begins to renew our mind, one thought at a time. Renewal is a lifelong process and is one that needs intentionality from our side and endless assistance from the Holy Spirit’s side.

We can choose to be intentionally loving, kind, and forgiving as opposed to our old tendencies to slander, brawl, rage and deceive. There will be times we fail–we are just human, but we are a work in progress and God’s not done with us. Not by a long shot.


Heavenly Father,

I submit to Your mighty hand today. I ask that You would clothe me with the righteousness of Christ and fill me with your Holy Spirit so that my mind is renewed. Help me to speak the truth in love, to be slow to anger and abound in love.

In Your Son Jesus’ name I pray,


Jou 6Jou 8

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Going Deeper - Ephesians

We dive deep into every chapter of Ephesians in this Bible plan so that we get to chew on the familiar scriptures that we could so easily overlook. Our desire is that as you study this book alone or with friends that God speaks to you on your divine purpose in this world and gives you the needed direction for the road ahead.
