Purpose Over Panic Part 2: Embracing Your Call in the Midst of It AllEgzanp

Purpose Over Panic Part 2:  Embracing Your Call in the Midst of It All


The Apostles

The establishment of the church was a difficult task. The apostles were responsible for carrying on the legacy Jesus left behind to teach and preach the good news of the gospel. When we think of good news, we think of something people would desire to hear about, but in the apostles’ case, that could not be further from the truth. They were challenging tradition and religious institutions that had governed most of their regions for quite some time. They were persecuted, put in jail, and even put to death. 

What are you willing to sacrifice to ensure you fulfill your purpose? This is a real question many of us must ask when fulfilling a purpose that could put us in the midst of a dangerous crossfire. 

The disciples had decided to follow Jesus and they refused to turn back. We enjoy the fruits of their labor in the church, even to this day. The apostles were covered because they chose purpose when others would have chosen to panic! 

Prayer starter:

Heavenly Father, lead and guide us in all that we do! Help us choose to pursue purpose in the midst of panic. Keep our eyes fixed on the greater gain that is available to us when we fulfill our call on the earth. Allow our purpose to illuminate the light of Christ and win souls for your kingdom. Let us examine our hearts daily to ensure that we pick up our cross and commit to being intentional about being fishers of men. Our goal is to leave this world empty of all you have poured in us to pour out. In Christ’s name, Amen!

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Purpose Over Panic Part 2:  Embracing Your Call in the Midst of It All

When it seems like everything is in chaos, it can be difficult to understand the purpose or see the good during difficulty. There is never a moment or encounter we face that God cannot turn around and use to our benefit and for His glory. He wastes nothing! I am convinced that during difficult circumstances or challenges, our purpose can emerge and shine the brightest!
