Purpose Over Panic Part 2: Embracing Your Call in the Midst of It AllEgzanp

Purpose Over Panic Part 2:  Embracing Your Call in the Midst of It All


The root word of panic and pandemonium is “pan” which in Latin means everything or all. When it seems like everything is in chaos, it can be difficult to understand the purpose or see the good during difficulty. There is never a moment or encounter we face that God cannot turn around and use to our benefit and for His glory. He wastes nothing! I am convinced that during difficult circumstances or challenges, our purpose can emerge and shine the brightest. 

We studied great examples of those who chose purpose over panic in part one of this devotional plan. Let us take a moment to focus and explore a few more examples of those who fulfilled purpose when it seemed like all hope was lost!

The Three Hebrew Boys

Standing up for your faith can be challenging, especially when you may be forced to be silent or comply with practices or actions that contradict it. We are called to be ambassadors for the cross and live our lives in a way that serves as a witness to those who may not know Christ. Fulfilling your purpose is essential to seeing this happen. 

God can be glorified in all that we do. The three Hebrew boys were faced with this very challenge when their king ordered that everyone must bow to his statue. When your life is on the line, it can be easy to comply with threats. Yet, the three Hebrew boys opted for death by fire in place of rejecting their God.  

I can imagine all of Heaven lighting up with joy and glory watching their bold stance for their faith. We know of no greater purpose in a believer’s life than to live a life that honors Christ no matter what they may face to challenge it!  Their faith impacted the king. By fulfilling their purpose, they caused others to believe.

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Purpose Over Panic Part 2:  Embracing Your Call in the Midst of It All

When it seems like everything is in chaos, it can be difficult to understand the purpose or see the good during difficulty. There is never a moment or encounter we face that God cannot turn around and use to our benefit and for His glory. He wastes nothing! I am convinced that during difficult circumstances or challenges, our purpose can emerge and shine the brightest!
