Covenant Keeping GodEgzanp

Covenant Keeping God

JOU 4 SOU 12

God Of The Marriage Relationship A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. They are no longer two but one flesh. From the beginning this was how God intended marriage to be – one man with one wife. This was a sanctified relationship before God. It was God, who instituted the marriage relationship. Marriage came as a part of the creation package. Sadly, sin entered. Man chose to go contrary to all of God’s standards. Marriage was a God ordained relationship but now Man chose to oppose God in marriage. As time passed by, various cultures adopted all kinds of behaviours and norms for marriage. Men gave their own approval to these pagan ways and customs. Having many wives was accepted in different cultures but was never acceptable to God. In this story, we see that this standard set by God, for marriage, was broken. God’s heart is broken that Man is flouting God’s ways and experiencing the consequences of this breach. Into this brokenness God comes to restore us. God honoured the outcome of the relationships that Jacob had with his two wives and their two maids. This does not mean that God approved the relationships but this is the love of God that reaches out to us. On many occasions God cares for us in spite of our disobedience. This is the love of God. If it were not so, we would have no hope. He demonstrates His love in order for us to repent and return to Him. Heavenly Father, I pray that I will be obedient to You in all my ways. Amen
Jou 3Jou 5

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Covenant Keeping God

This devotional is about God changing Jacob to Israel. This is a process and the the way God works in our lives. It is good to understand the process and be alive to God's ways in our own lives, and allow Him to transform us to what He wants us to be.
