In the beginning מא

At the End
1and it is having been to end of two years time, has self Pharaoh dreamt, see he stand at river. 2and behold go up from river seven cows, beautiful on appearance and fat on body; and they have self grazed in the river grass (reeds). 3and behold go up after them from river seven other cows, ugly-looking on appearance, and thin/emaciated on body; and they have self stood near those cows at shore/bank river. 4and the ugly-looking on appearance and emaciated flesh cows have devoured the seven beautiful on appearance and fat cows. and Pharaoh has self woke up. 5and he is asleep, and him has self dreamt a second time, see seven ears going up/sprouting on one stalk healthy and good. 6and behold spring up/tzemach out after them seven ears thin and burned/scorched of east wind. 7and the thin ears have gobbled up the seven healthy and full ears. and Pharaoh has self woke up, see it is a dream.
8and it is having been in the morning, is his spirit having been troubled/disturbed, and he has sent and called all magicians of Egypt, and all her wise men; and Pharaoh has them told his dream, but no one has them not able interpret be for Pharaoh.
9has the chief cupbearer spoken to Pharaoh, thus to say: my sin must be I today remember. 10Pharaoh has been angry on his servant, and has me placed in the guard (house) of the head of the bodyguard's house, me and the chief baker. 11has self us dreamt a dream in one night, me and him; each according the interpretation of his dream has self us dreamt. 12and there is with us having been a young man, one Hebrew, a servant of the head of the bodyguards, have we him told, and he has us interpret having been our dream; each according his dream has he interpret having been. 13and it is having been, thus as he has us interpret having been, in same way is happen: me has one returned/restored on my position, and him has one hanged.
14has Pharaoh sent and called Yosef, and they have him on quickly took out from prison. and he has self shaved, and has changed his garments, and is having come to Pharaoh. 15has Pharaoh said to Yosef: me has self dreamt a dream, and there is not who shall it interpret be; and I have heard said on you(SG), that you (sg) understand a dream, it interpret to be.
16has Yosef answered Pharaoh, thus to say: not I, G-d will explain/interpret the peace/welfare of Pharaoh.
17has Pharaoh said to Yosef: I dreamt self, see I was standing at shore/bank the river. 18and behold go up from river seven cows, fat on body and beautiful on form; and they have self grazed/pastured in grass. 19and behold go up after them seven other cows, poor and their ugly-looking on form and thin on body, which in all land Egypt have I not seen their equal in ugly-looking. 20and the thin and ugly-looking cows have gobbled up the first seven fat cows.
21and they are enter in them, and it is not having been apparent that they are in them enter, and their appearance is having been as ugly-looking as in beginning. and I have self woke up. 22and I have seen in my dream, see seven ears going up/sprouting on one stalk, full and good. 23and behold spring up/tzemach out after them seven ears dried up, thin, burned/scorched from east wind. 24and the thin ears have swallowed up the seven good ears. have I told the magicians, but no one can me not explain.
25has Yosef said to Pharaoh: the dream of Pharaoh is one; what G-d will do has He informed Pharaoh. 26the seven good cows these are seven years, and the seven good ears these are seven years; one dream is this. 27and the seven thin and ugly-looking cows, which are come up after them, these are seven years; and the seven empty ears burned up from east wind, these will be seven years of famine. 28this is the matter which I have spoken Pharaoh: what G-d will do has he shown Pharaoh. 29behold, it come seven years of great satiety in all land Egypt. 30and after them will stand up seven years of famine, and the whole satiety will be forgotten in land Egypt; and the famine will destroy/ravage this land. 31and of the satiety will not be to perceive in land, of concerning that famine which follows; because it will be very severe. 32and what the dream has self repeated a second time to Pharaoh: because the thing is firm from G-d, and G-d is hurrying this to do. 33and now, shall Pharaoh see a discerning and a wise man, and him set over land Egypt. 34shall Pharaoh this do, and shall he appoint overseers over land, and make provisions this land Egypt in the seven abundance years. 35and shall they gather the all the food of the this good years which come, and shall they gather grain under the hand of Pharaoh, for food in the cities, and to keep a watch over. 36and the food will be laid away for the land, against the seven years of famine which will be in land Egypt, and this land will not destroy become of famine.
37and the thing is find favor in the eyes of in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his servants. 38and Pharaoh has said to his servants: can we then find such as this, a man which the Spirit of G-d is in him? 39and Pharaoh has said to Yosef: follows as G-d has you allowed know this all, is there a discerning and a wise in same way as you (sg). 40you (sg) will be over my house/palace, and according your mouth shall managed become my all people; but with throne will I be greater than you(SG). 41and Pharaoh has said to Yosef: behold, I have you appointed over all land Egypt. 42and Pharaoh has removed his signet ring of his hand, and has it put on on the hand of Yosef, and he has him clothed in linen garments, and him put on a golden chain on neck. 43and he has him made ride in his second chariot; and one has called out before him: Avrech! and he has him appointed over all land Egypt.
44and Pharaoh has said to Yosef: I am Pharaoh, but without you(SG) shall no one not lift a hand or a foot in all land Egypt. 45and Pharaoh has called the name of Yosef, Tzaphnat Pa'neach; and he has him given Asenat the daughter of Poti Phera, the priest of On, for a wife. and Yosef is having come out over/in charge land Egypt. – 46and Yosef is having been thirty years old, when he has self stood before Pharaoh the king of Egypt. – and Yosef is having come out from before Pharaoh, and is passed through all land Egypt.
47and this land has brought in the seven abundance years by handfuls. 48and he has gathered up the whole food of the seven years which are having been in land Egypt, and has placed the food in the cities; the food of the fields of a city which round it, has he placed in it. 49and Yosef has accumulated grain thus as sand of sea, very much, until one has ceased to count, because it is having been without a number of.
50and with Yosef are given birth to having become, before this famine year is having come, two sons, which Asenat the daughter of Poti Phera the priest of On has him given birth to. 51and Yosef has called the name of the firstborn Menasheh, because: G-d has me made forget my whole suffering , and this whole house of my father. 52and the name of the second has he called Ephrayim, because: G-d has me made fruitful in the land of my anguish.
53and it have self finished the seven years of the satiety which is having been in land Egypt. 54and it have begin come the seven years of famine, in same way as Yosef has foretold. and it is having been a famine in all lands, but in all land Egypt is having been bread.
55and when this whole land Egypt has begun famine, and this people has cried out to Pharaoh for bread, has Pharaoh said to all Egypt: go to Yosef; what he will you (PL) tell, shall it do. 56and the famine is having been over all land; and Yosef has opened all granaries, and has sold to Egypt; and the famine has self strengthened in land Egypt. 57and of the whole earth is they having come to Egypt to Yosef buy grain, for the famine is having been strong on the whole earth.

Pati Souliye




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