In the beginning לח

1and it is having been in that time, has Yehudah gone down from his brothers, and he has turned in/stayed with to a man from Adullam, which his name is having been Chirah. 2and Yehudah has there seen the daughter of a man a Kena'ani, whose his name is having been Shua, and he has her taken, and is having come to her. 3and she is pregnant having become, and has given birth to a son; and he has called his name Er. 4and she is again pregnant having become, and has given birth to a son; and she has called his name Onan. 5and she has again pregnant having become and has given birth to a son; and she has called his name Shelah. and he is having been in Keziv, when she has him given birth to.
6and Yehudah has taken a wife for Er his firstborn, which her name is having been Tamar. 7and Er, Yehudah's firstborn, is having been evil in the eyes of Hashem, and Hashem has him caused to die. 8has Yehudah said to Onan: come to your brother's wife, and enter a levirate marriage her, and stand up up a seed after your brother. 9and thus as Onan has known that the seed will not has belonged to him, is, that he is having come to his brother's wife, has he squander to the earth, so that not to give a seed to his brother. 10is having been evil in the eyes of Hashem what he has done, and he has him also caused to die.
11has Yehudah said to his daughter-in-law Tamar: sit a widow in your father's house, until my son Shelah will become adult/grow up; because he has thought: what if will he also die even as his brothers. is Tamar went (her) way, and is sitting in her father's house.
12have self multiplied the days, and Shua's daughter, the wife of Yehudah, is died. and that Yehudah has self have had consoled, is he gone up to the shearers of his sheep to Timnah, he and his good friend Chirah of Adullam.
13is informed having become Tamar, thus to say: behold, your father-in-law goes up to Timnah, to shear his sheep. 14has she taken off her widow's garments from self, and has self covered with a veil, and self wrapped up, and she has self sat at entrance of Enayim, which on the way to Timnah; because she has seen that Shelah is grown up, and she is not given having become to him for a wife.
15and Yehudah has her seen, and he has her considered for a prostitute, because she has covered her face. 16has he turned to her by the road, and has said: come, I entreat you, let me come to you(SG); for he has not known that she is his daughter-in-law. has she said: what will you(sg) me give, that you (sg) will come to me? 17has he said: I will send a young goat of the flock. has she said: only will me give a pledge until you (sg) you send. 18has he said: what for a pledge shall I you(SG) give? has she said: your signet ring, and your (signet neck) cord, and your staff which in your hand. has he it her given, and he is to her having come, and she is conceived having become of him. 19and she is arose and is went (her) way, and she has taken off of self her veil, and has put on her widow's garments.
20and Yehudah has sent this young goat by the hand of his good friend from Adullam, so as to take the pledge from the woman's hand; but he has her not found. 21has he asked the men of her place, thus to say: where is the prostitute who is having been in Einayim by the road? have they said: here is not having been any prostitute. 22has he self returned to Yehudah, and has said: I have her not found. and also the men of the place have said: here is not having been any prostitute. 23has Yehudah said: shall she it hold for self, so that we shall not become to a laughing stock; I have still sent this young goat, and you (sg) have it not found.
24and it is having been in round three months, is informed having become Yehudah, thus to say: your daughter-in-law Tamar has commit prostitution having been, and behold is she also pregnant from prostitution. has Yehudah said: lead her out, and shall she burned up become.
25as she is led out having become, thus has she sent to say to her father-in-law: of the man whose the this has belonged to him, am I pregnant. and she has said: identify now whose is this signet ring, and the (signet neck) cord, and the staff? 26has Yehudah known, and he has said: she is more righteous than me, for the reason because I have her not given to my son Shelah. but he has more again not turned into with her.
27and it is having been in the time of her to give birth, look a pair of twins is in her body. 28and it is having been, that she has given birth, has one jutted out his hand, and the midwife has taken and has bound on his hand a red thread, thus to say: this is came out first. 29and it is having been, as he brings back his hand, look his brother is came out; has she said: what a breach you have made for self! and one has called his name Peretz. 30and after that is came out his brother, which on his hand is having been the red thread; and one has called his name Zerach.

Pati Souliye




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