In the beginning לז

And he settled
1and Yaakov is settled in the land of his father's residing sojourn, in land Canaan.
2this is the history of Yaakov: Yosef to seventeen years is having been a shepherd with his brothers by the sheep; and he is having been a boy with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, the wives of his father; and Yosef has brought evil words on them to their father.
3and Israel has love have had Yosef more than all his sons, because he is by him having been a son of his old age. and he has him made a robe reaching to palms and soles. 4and when his brothers have seen that their father has him preferred than all his brothers, have they him took a dislike to, and not been able to speak to him peacefully.
5and Yosef has self dreamt a dream, and he has told his brothers, and they have him yet more haters got. 6and he has to them said: hear now this dream which me has self dreamt: 7me tie thus sheaf in field, look my sheaf has self lifted up, and is also remain standing; and behold, your (PL) sheaf have self stood around, and have self bowed to my sheaf.
8have his brothers to him said: rule will rule over us? or dominate will dominate over us? and they have him yet more enemies received for his dream, and for his words.
9and him has self again dreamt an other dream, and he has told his brothers, and has said: behold has self me again dreamt a dream: look the sun and the moon and the eleven stars bow down to self to me.
10and as he has it told his father and his brothers, has his father scolded on him, and has to him said: what is this for a dream which you(SG) has self dreamt? shall I and your mother and your brothers really come self bow down before you(SG) to the earth?
11and the brothers have him jealous having been; but his father has the thing kept in mind.
12and his brothers are having gone pasture the sheep of their father in Shechem. 13has Israel said to Yosef: your brothers pasture still in Shechem; come and I will you send to them. has he to him said: here am I. 14has he to him said: go now look if peace/welfare is to your brothers, and peace/welfare to the sheep, and bring me an answer. and he has him sent off from the the valley of of Chevron, and he is having come to Shechem. 15has him found a man, look he wander around (lost) down in field; and the man has him asked, thus to say: what do you seek? 16has he said: my brothers seek/search I; tell me, I entreat you, where pasture they? 17has the man said: they have journeyed from here, for I have heard as they say: let us go to Dotan. is Yosef having gone after his brothers, and he has them found in Dotan.
18and as they have him saw from distance, and before yet he has come near to them, have they self made a conspiracy against him, him to to kill. 19and they have said one to another: on come that dreamer. 20and now, come, and let us him kill, and him throw into in one of the pits, and we will say: a wild beast has him devoured; and we will see what will become of his dreams.
21has Reuven heard, and he has him sought rescue to be from their hand, and has said: let us him not take this life. 22and Reuven has to them said: you (PL) shall not shed any blood; throw him enter in that pit which in wilderness, but a hand shall you (PL) not stretch out on him – so that him rescue to be from their hand, him to return to his father.
23and it is having been, as Yosef is approached to his brothers, thus have they taken off Yosef his robe, this robe reaching to palms and soles which on him. 24and they have him taken, and have him thrown into in the pit. and the pit is having been empty, any water is in it not having been.
25and they have self sat to eat bread. and they have lifted up their eyes, and have a look done, see a caravan Yishm'elim come on from Gil'ad, and their camels bear spices and balsam and myrrh which they go go down to Egypt. 26has Yehudah said to his brothers: what will be gained (from), that me will kill our brother, and me will conceal his blood? 27come, and let us him sell to the Yishm'elim, and our hand shall not be on him; because our brother, our flesh is he. and his brothers have paid heed. 28and as the Midyanim people, the traders, are passing by, thus have they drew out and brought up Yosef from the pit, and they have sold Yosef to the Yishm'elim for twenty pieces of silver; and the ones have led away Yosef to Egypt.
29and Reuven has self returned to the pit, look Yosef is not in the pit; has he torn his garments. 30and he has self returned to his brothers, and has said: the boy is not, and I, where do I me there (turn)?
31and they have taken Yosef's tunic, and have slaughtered a billy goat, and have dipped this tunic in the blood. 32and they have sent off this tunic reaching to palms and soles, and let bring to their father, and let say: this have we found; identify now if this is your son's tunic or not. 33has he it recognized, and he has said: my son's tunic; a wild beast has him devoured, surely torn torn having become is Yosef. 34and Yaakov has tore/ripped his garments, and put on sackcloth on his loins, and he has mourned on his son many days. 35and all his sons and all his daughters are got up him to comfort, but he has self not wanted comfort; and he has said: for indeed, a mourner will I go down to my son mourning in the (Sheol) pit. and his father has him mourned/bewailed.
36and the Midyanim have him sold in Egypt to Potiphar, a court official/servant of Pharaoh, the head of the bodyguards.

Pati Souliye




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