In the beginning לב

1 and Lavan has self rose early in the morning, and he has kissed his sons and his daughters, and has them blessed; and Lavan is went (his) way, and has self returned to his place.
2 and Yaakov is having gone on his way, and angels of G-d have him met. 3 and Yaakov has said, when he has them seen: G-d's army is this; and he has called the name of that place Machanaim.
And He sent out
4 and Yaakov has sent messengers ahead of (them) before self to his brother Esav to land of Seir, in field of Edom. 5 and he has them ordered, thus to say: thus shall you (PL) say to my master, to Esav: so has said your servant Yaakov: by Lavan have I resided temporarily, and I have self temporarily stayed until now. 6 and I have oxen and donkeys, sheep, and servants and maid servants; have I sent to tell my master, so that to find favor in your eyes. 7 have the messengers self returned to Yaakov, thus to say: me are having come to your brother, to Esav, and he goes you(SG) also to meet, and four hundred man with him. 8 has Yaakov very fear received, and he is having been distressed. and he has divided this people which with him, and the sheep and the cattle and the camels, in two camps. 9 and he has said: if Esav will come on one camp, and will it strike, will the remaining camp escape become.
10 and Yaakov has said: the G-d of my father Avraham, and the G-d of my father Yitzchak, Hashem, which has said to me: turn self down to your land and to your descent/relatives, and I will good things do with you(SG); 11 I am excessively small/unworthy for all loving kindnesses and for all the faithfulness/emes which you (sg) have done with your servant; because with my staff am I crossed over the this Yarden, and now am I having become two camps. 12 be me rescued, I entreat you, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esav, because I have fear before him, he shall not come and me strike mother with children. 13 you (sg) have still said: good things do will I good things do with you(SG), and I will make your seed thus as the sand of sea, which can not counted become of multitude.
14 and he has there spent the night that night; and he has taken of which him is having come to the hand, a gift for his brother Esav: 15 two hundred goats, and twenty billy goats, two hundred sheep, and twenty rams, 16 thirty camels nursing with their young, forty cows, and ten oxen, twenty female donkeys, and ten young donkeys. 17 and he has delivered in the hand of his servants, to flock, to flock by themselves; and he has ordered his servants: go me ahead of (them), and make way (a space) shall you make between flock and flock. 18 and he has ordered the first, thus to say: when you will meet Esav my brother, and (he) will you inquire, thus to say: whose are you? and where are you going? and whose are the these before you(SG)? 19 shall you (sg) say: your servant Yaakov's; a gift is this sent to my master, to Esav; and here is he also behind us. 20 and he has ordered also the second and the third, and all which are having gone behind the flocks, thus to say: thus as the this words shall you (PL) speak to Esav, as you (PL) meet up him; 21 and you (PL) shall say: here is also your servant Yaakov behind us. for he has said: let me him beg pardon of with the gift which goes me ahead of, and afterwards will I see his face, perhaps will he me accept.
22 is the gift away/went on him ahead, and he has spent the night that night in camp. 23 and he is arose in that night, and has taken his two wives, and his two maid servants, and his eleven children, and he is crossed over the ford/shallow crossing of Yabbok. 24he has them taken, and has them take across over river, and has take across which he has have had/possessions.
25and that Yaakov is remain alone, has a man self wrestled with him until the morning is dawning. 26and when he has seen that he can him not overcome/defeat, has he touched this socket of his thigh/hip; and this socket of Yaakov's thigh/hip is dislocated/sprained having become in his wrestling self with him. 27has he said: let me away/went on, because the morning is dawning. has he said: I will you not let go, unless will me bless. 28has he to him said: what is your name? has he said: Yaakov. 29has he said: not more shall Yaakov called become your name, instead Israel, for have struggled/striven with G-d and with men, and are overcome. 30has Yaakov asked and has said: say me, I entreat you, your name. has he said: why then ask on my name? and he has him there blessed. 31and Yaakov has called the name of the place Peniel, because: I have seen G-d face to face, and my soul is saved having become.
32and the sun is (for) him dawning as he is having passed Penuel. and he has limping on his thigh/hip. 33therefore to eat not the children of Israel the sinew which is on socket of thigh/hip, until upon this very day; because he has touched this socket of Jacob's thigh/hip, the sinew.

Pati Souliye




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