In the beginning כח

1has Yitzchak called Yaakov, and has him blessed, and has him ordered, and has to him said: you(SG) must not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan. 2stand up, go to Paddanah-Aram, to the house of Betuel, your mother father, and take you(SG) from there a wife from the daughters of Lavan, your mother brother. 3and G-d (El) Shaddai will you bless, and will you make fruitful and you increase, and will become a crowd of peoples. 4and he will you(SG) give the blessing of Avraham, you(SG) and your seed with you(SG), so that you(SG) must inherit/possess this land of your residing sojourn, which G-d has given to Avraham.
5and Yitzchak has sent off Yaakov, and he is having gone to Paddanah-Aram, to Lavan the son of Betuel the Aramean, the brother of Rivkah, the mother of Yaakov and Esav.
6and Esav has seen that Yitzchak has blessed Yaakov, and has him sent off to Paddan-Aram, self to take a wife from there; that when he has him blessed, has he him ordered, thus to say: you(SG) must not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan; 7and Yaakov has paid heed to his father and to his mother, and is having gone to Paddanah-Aram. 8and Esav has seen that the daughters of Canaan are evil in the eyes of his father Yitzchak, 9and Esav is having gone to Yishmael, and has, to his other wives, self taken for a wife Machalat the daughter of Yishmael, Abraham's son, the sister of Nevayot.
And he went out
10and Yaakov is having come out from Be'er-Sheva, and is having gone to Charan. 11and he has happened upon/encountered a place, and is there remain spend the night, because the sun is gone down; and he has taken from the stones of the place, and made for his heads of the bed, and has self lain down in that place. 12has self him dreamt, look a ladder stand on the earth, and its top reached until heaven, and behold, angels of G-d go up and go down down on it. 13and behold stand Hashem over him, and he declares: I am Hashem the G-d of your father Avraham, and the G-d of Yitzchak. this land which you (sg) lie on it, to you(SG) will I it give, and to your seed. 14and your seed will be thus as dust of the earth, and will self spread out to west and to east and to north and to south, and bless will self with you(SG) and with your seed all families of the earth. 15and behold, I will be with you(SG), and I will you keep wherever where you (sg) will go, and I will you to return to the this one earth/ground, because I will you not forsake, until whence I have done which I have you(SG) promised.
16has Yaakov self woke from his sleep, and he has said: for surely, Hashem is there is in this place, and I have not known. 17and he has fear have had, and has said: how dreadful is this place! this is none other than this house of G-d, and this is the gate of heaven.
18and Yaakov has self rose early in the morning, and he has taken the stone which he has made for his heads of the bed, and has it made for a pillar, and he has poured oil on its top. 19and he has called the name of that place Beit-El, but Luz is having been the name of the city originally. 20and Yaakov has a vow done, thus to say: if G-d will be with me, and will me keep on the this way which I go, and he will me give bread to to eat, and a garment to wear, 21and I will me to return in peace to my father's house, thus will Hashem me be to the G-d. 22and the this one stone which I have made for a pillar, will be a house of G-d; and of all that which you (sg) will me give, will I tithe tithe to you(SG).

Pati Souliye




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