Mark 4

chapter four
1and again has he begin to teach at the sea; and it has self gather by him a very large crowd people, so that he is step in in a boat, and has self sat down on the sea; and the whole crowd people was by the sea on the dry land. 2and he did them taught a many things with parables, and did to them spoke in his teaching: 3listen self to: look, the sower is go out to scatter. 4and it is happened, while the sowing are some (seeds) fell by the way, and the birds did come and did them eat. 5and other are fell on the stony ground, where they have not had any much earth; and have immediately sprout since not have any depth of earth; 6and when the sun has risen, are they withered become, and because they have not had any root, are they dry up become. 7and others are fell among the thorns, and the thorns are grow up and have them choke, and they have not given any fruit. 8and others are fell on the good earth, and have yes given fruit, which has sprouted and is increase; and did yield one—thirtyfold, and one sixtyfold, and one—hundredfold. 9and he has said: who it has ears to hear, that (one) shall hear!
10and when he was alone, have the (ones), who are was with him, together with the twelve him asked about the parables. 11and he has to them said: you (PL) was given the mystery of the kingdom of Hashem; to those however outside is all done in parables; 12so that
looking shall they look and not see,
and on hearing shall they hear and not understand;
lest will they repentance do
and it will them forgiven to be.
(Yeshayah 6, 9-10)
13and says to them: you (PL) understand not the these parable, and how will you (PL) understand all parables? 14the their sown the word. 15and those are the (ones) by the road, where the word is sown become; and when they have it heard, comes immediately the Satan, and takes away the word, which is sown been in them. 16and also thus those, which are sown on the stony ground, who, when they have heard the word, take it immediately without with joy; 17and have not any root in self, but are only on a specific time; comes however a tribulation or persecution on account of the word, stumble they soon. 18and others are those, who are sown among thorns; they are the ones who have heard the word; 19and the worry of the world and the deception of riches, and the lusts after other things penetrate in and choke the word, and it remains without fruit. 20and those are the ones who are sown been on the good earth; who hear that word, and accept it without, and bring fruit, one thirtyfold, and one sixtyfold, and one hundredfold.
21and he has to them said: (question) comes then the light, so that placed to be under a measuring basket, or under bed? no, but so that it shall placed to be on the lampstand. 22because any thing is not hidden, except so that revealed to become; and any thing is not hidden been, which will not widely known become. 23if someone has ears to hear, shall he hear! 24and he has to them said: give attention, what you (PL) hear! with what for a measure you (PL) measure, will you (PL) measured to be, and it will you (PL) more given to be a supplement. 25because who it has, that one will given to be; and who it has not, of that one will taken away to be even that, which he has yes. 26and he has said: thus is the kingdom of Hashem, as a man would throw the seeds on the earth, 27and goes self sleep and stands up, by night and by day, and the seeds sprout out and grow up, without his knowing how. 28from self alone brings the earth forth fruit; to the first the grass, then the stalk, after that full wheat in the stalk. 29when however the fruit allows it, sends he immediately the sickle there, because the harvest time has already came.
30and he has said: how shall we compare the kingdom of Hashem, or in what for a parable shall we it place? 31it is like a mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, although it is the smallest of all seeds, 32yet when it is sown, grows it up and becomes greater than all garden plants, and gives out great branches, that under its shade can the birds of heaven dwell.
33and with a many such parables did he to them speak the word, according to as the way they are were able to hear; 34and without a parable has he to them not spoke; and is he was with his disciples alone, has he them everything explained.
35and that day, when it is become evening, has he to them said: let us cross over on the other side of sea. 36and they have let the crowd people go, and did him take along, so as he was, in the boat; and yet other boats are was with him. 37and it arose a great windstorm, and the waves have self toss on the boat, so that the boat has self already had almost filled. 38and he himself was in the back part, sleeping on the cushion; and they wake him up and say to him: Rebbe, it bothers (care) you nothing, that we come die? 39and he is stand up again, has rebuked the wind and said to the sea: be silent, be quiet! and the wind did cease, and it is become a great quietness. 40and he has to them said: why are you (PL) so frightened? like, you (PL) have still all not any faith? 41and they have self afraid with a great fear, and have said one to the other: who is he after all, that also the wind also the sea obeys him?

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Pati Souliye




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