Mark 3

chapter three
1and he is again entered in synagogue; and it is there was a man, who has had a withered hand. 2and they have lie in wait over him, (question) he will him Sabbath heal, so that they shall him accuse. 3and he says to the man, who has had the withered hand: stand up and place yourself in the middle of! 4and says to them; (question) permitted one Sabbath do good, or do evil? save a soul, or kill? they however have silent. 5and he has self look on them with wrath, very grieved about the stone hardness of their heart, and says to the man: stretch out the hand! and he has it stretched out; and his hand is again healthy become. 6and the Pharisees are gone out, and have themselves immediately conferred with Herod's people against him, how they should him kill.
7and Yehoshua did go away with his disciples to the sea, and a large crowd (of) people from Galilee has followed; and of Yehudah, 8and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and from other side of Jordan, and from around Tyre and Sidon, a great mass of people, hearing the deeds, which he has done, are they come to him, 9and he has said to his disciples, that a small boat shall be ready for him because of the crowd, so that should themselves not throng upon him; 10because he has a many healed, so that all, who have had a plague, are fell upon him, so that him to touch. 11and the unclean spirits, when they have him seen, are fell down before him, and have shouted, so to say: you (SG) are the son of the Most High! 12and he has them sternly commanded, that they should him not reveal be.
13and he is climb up on the mountain, and has called to Himself the (ones), which he wanted; and they are come to him. 14and he has appointed twelve, that they should his with him, and so that he shall them send out to preach, 15and to have authority to cast out evil spirits. 16and has appointed these twelve: Simon has he attached the name Peter; 17and James son of Zavdai, and John, James' brother, and them has he attached the name sons of Regesh, this means sons of thunder; 18and Andrew, and Philip, and Bar-Talmai, and Mattityahu, and Toma, and James son of Chalfai, and Taddai, and Simon the Zealot, 19and Yehudah man from Kriot, which has him also betrayed.
20and he is entered in a house. and it is themselves again come together a crowd people, so that they have even not be able to eat bread. 21and when his relatives have this heard, are they went out him (to) restrain, because they have said: he is beside ourselves. 22and the scribes, who are come down from Jerusalem, have said: he has the Baal-zibbul; and through the ruler of the evil spirits casts he out the evil spirits. 23and he has them called to themselves, and spoke to them with parables; how can the Satan cast out the Satan? 24and if a kingdom is divide against self alone, can that kingdom not have any existence. 25and if a house is divide against self alone, will that house not be able to remain stand. 26and if the Satan stands up against self alone, and is divide, can he not have any existence, only has the end. 27no one can not go in in the house of the strong man and there to rob the things, if he will not before all tie up the strong man; and then will he plunder his house. 28in truth tell I you (PL): all sin will forgiven to be to the people's children, and the blasphemies, how many they will blaspheme; 29who however it will blaspheme the Spirit the Holy, that (one) has not any forgiveness on eternity, but is liable for an eternal sin. 30because they have said, that he has an unclean spirit.
31and his mother and his brothers have come, and stand outside have they sent to him, him to call. 32and it is sat around him a crowd people; and they had to him said: look, your mother and your brothers and your sisters are outside and seek you. 33and he has answering to them said: who is my mother and my brothers? 34and has self look around on the (ones), who are sitting around him in a circle, and did say: look, my mother and my brothers! 35because whoever it will do Hashem's will, that (one) this is my brother, and sister, and mother.

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Pati Souliye




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