Mark 15

chapter fifteen
1and soon in the morning have self the chief kohenim confer with the elders and scribes, and the whole Sanhedrin—did bind Yehoshua, and him led away, and handed over to Pilate. (Yeshayah 53, 8.) 2and Pilate did him ask: (question) are you (SG) the king of the Jews? and he did answering to him say: you (SG) you are saying it! 3and the chief kohenim did bring a many accusations against him. 4and Pilate did him again ask, so to say: you (SG) answer nothing? look, how many accusations they make against you (SG)! 5Yehoshua however did more nothing answer; so that Pilate had self wonder. (Yeshayah 53, 7.) 6and on every Yom Tov used he them release one prisoner, whom they did desire. 7and there has been one, who one has him called Bar-Abba, bound together with the rebels, which have do a murder during an insurrection. 8and the crowd is went up and has begun to request, that he shall do, as customary for them. 9and Pilate has they answered, so to say: (question) want you (PL), that I shall you (PL) release the king of the Jews? 10because he has known, that the chief kohenim have him handed over because envy. 11the chief kohenim however have stirred the crowd, that he shall they rather release Bar-Abba. 12and Pilate has again answering to they said: what then shall I do with him, whom you (PL) calls king of the Jews? 13and they have again a shout done: hanged up him on the tree! 14and Pilate has to they said: who for a evil has he then done? they however have further shouted: hanged up him on the tree! 15and because Pilate has wanted do the favor the crowd, has he for them set free Bar-Abba, and has handed over Yehoshua, after the as he has him let flog, and him handed over hanged up on a tree to be. (Yeshayah 53, 5)
16and the soldiers have him led away inside in courtyard into, the is the Praetorium; and call together the whole cohort. 17and they clothe him without in purple, and do him without a crown, which they have braided of thorns; 18and have begun him to greet: peace, king of the Jews! 19and they have him struck with a stick over head, and spat on him, and have bend the knees and self bowed to him. (Yeshayah 50, 6.) 20and after that as they have mocked of him, have they him undressed that purple, and him dressed his (own) clothing. and they led him out, so as him to hang up on the tree.
21and they compel a passer by, a certain Simon of Cyrene, coming from the field, the father of Alexander and Rufus, that he shall carry his tree. 22and they bring him to the place of Golgotha, which the meaning thereof is: the place of a skull. 23and they have him given wine mixed with myrrh, which he has however not take. 24and they have him hung up on a tree, and divide among themselves his clothing, casting lots on them, what each shall take. 25and it is was the third hour 9 A.M., and they have him hung up on a tree. (Psalms 22, 14-16, 18.) 26and the inscription of his indictment was inscribe: the king of the Jews. 27and together with him they hanged up on the tree two robbers; one on his right side, and one on his left side. 28and it is fulfill become the verse, which says:
and with transgressors is he counted become.
(Yeshayah 53, 12)
29and the passers by have him blasphemed, shaking their heads, and saying: Ha! you (SG), who destroys the Heikhal, and builds it up in three days, 30save you alone, and come down from the tree! 31so have also the chief kohenim mocked among themselves together with the scribes, and said: others did he help, self alone can he not help. 32the Moshiach, the king of Israel! shall he now come down from tree, so that we shall see and believe! also the (ones), who are with him hung up on a tree become, have him scorned were.
33and when the sixth hour (noon) is come, is become a darkness over entire land until the ninth hour (3 P.M.). 34and in the ninth hour (3 P.M.) has Yehoshua a shout done with a loud voice: Eloi Eloi why have You forsaken me? translated means it: G-d mine, G-d mine, why you have Me forsaken? (Psalms 22, 1.) 35and some of the (ones), who are standing nearby, have it heard, and have said: look, he calls Eliyahu. 36and one is run, and has filled a sponge with vinegar, and it put up on a stick, and him given to drink (Psalms 69, 22), so to say: leave (it); we will see if Eliyahu will come, so that him to take down! 37Yehoshua however has let out (cried out) a loud shout, and gave up the spirit. 38and the Parochet of Heikhal has itself torn in two, from top to bottom. 39and when the (Roman) officer, who was standing opposite him, has seen, that he has just so give up the spirit, has he said: the this one man is in truth was Hashem's Son! 40and are also was women, who have self looking from a distance, among them Mary of Magdala, and Mary, the mother of James the small and of Yosi, and Salome; 41which have him followed, when he is still was in Galilee, and did him serve; and a many other women, who are go up with him to Jerusalem.
42and when it is already become evening, because it was Erev Sabbath, that means a day before Sabbath, 43is come Joseph HaRamati, an prominent counsellor, who has himself also hoped on Hashem's kingdom, and has self strengthened to go in to Pilate, and begged Yeshua's body. 44Pilate however has self amazed, that he has already died; and has called to self the (Roman) officer, and him asked, (question) he is already long dead. 45and he perceived self from the (Roman) officer, has he Joseph given the body. 46and he has buy a sheet (tachrichim), did him take down, and him wrap in the sheet (tachrichim), and laid in a tomb, which was hewn in a rock; and has roll a stone on the entrance to the tomb. (Yeshayah 53, 9.) 47and Mary of Magdala and Mary, Yosi's mother, did see where he is buried.

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