Mark 16

chapter sixteen
1and when it is become end of Sabbath, have Mary of Magdala, and Mary, the mother of James, and Salome buy spices, so that they shall go him to anoint. 2and very early the first day of the week, come they to the tomb, when the sun has risen. 3and did say one to the another: who will remove by rolling for us the stone from the entrance to the tomb? 4and as they have a glance done, have they seen, that the stone is rolled away; because it was very large. 5and when they are enter in tomb into, have they seen a young man sit on the right side, dressed in a white clothing, and they have self greatly terrified. 6and he says to them: fear self not! you (PL) seek Yehoshua of Natseret, the one who is hung up on a tree become; he is stand up again; he is here there is not; here is the place of, where they has him laid! (Psalms 16, 10.) 7but go, tell his disciples and Peter, that he goes ahead before you (PL) to Galilee; there will you (PL) him see, according to as he had you (PL) told. 8and they are went out, and are run away from tomb; because it has them seize a trembling and they were was beside themselves; and they have anyone nothing said; because they have fear had.
9and when he is stand up again in the morning the first day of the week, did he himself at first appear to Mary of Magdala, from whom he had cast out seven evil spirits. 10she went and did it report to the (ones), who are were with him, who have mourn and weep. 11and when they did hear, that he lives and is of her seen become, have they it not believed. 12after that has he himself appeared in an other form to two of them, while they are walking in field into. 13and they are went away and have it tell/report to the others; however also those have them not believed.
14then did he himself reveal to the eleven alone, while they did sit at table, and did them reproach their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they have not believed those, who have him seen an risen up. 15and he did to them say: go in the whole world, say without the Good News to the whole creation. 16who it believes and allows self immerse to be in a mikveh, that (one) will saved to be; who however it will not believe, that (one) will condemned become. 17and the these signs will accompany the (ones), who believe yes: in my name will they cast out evil spirits; they will speak with new tongues; 18with the hands will they pick up snakes, and if they will drink poison, will it them never way not harm; on sick will they lay the hands, and they will healed become.
19and so, after the as the L-rd Yehoshua has to them spoken, is he taken up become in heaven into, and has himself sat down on Hashem's right side. (Psalms 110, 1.) 20and they did go out, and did proclaim (the Good News) everywhere, and the L-rd did work along with them, confirming the word through the signs, which did follow. Amen.

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