Mattityahu 9

chapter nine
1and he is step into in a boat, and is cross over, and come in his own city into. 2and look, they has brought to him a paralytic, who is lie on a bed. and as Yehoshua has seen their faith, has he said to the paralytic: be comforted, my child, your sin are you (SG) forgiven become! 3and look, some of the scribes have themselves thought: the this one blasphemes. 4and seeing their thoughts, has Yehoshua said: why think you (PL) evil in your (PL) hearts? 5because what is easier, to say: your sin are you (SG) forgiven become; or to say: stand up and go? 6but so that you (PL) shall know, that the Son of Man has authority on the earth forgive to do sin—says he then to the paralytic—stand up, take your bed and go home! 7and he is stand up again, and is went away home. 8and when the crowds of people have this seen, have they themselves feared, and have give honor to Hashem, who has given such authority to man.
9and when Yehoshua is from there farther go, has he seen a man sit by the house of taxation, he was named Mattityahu, and he says to him: follow me after! and he is stand up again, and did him follow.
10and it is happened, while he is sat in house to the table, look, a many tax collectors and sinners are come and have themselves sat down together with Yehoshua and with his disciples. 11and when the Pharisees have it seen, have they said to his disciples: why eats your Rebbe with the tax collectors and sinners? 12when however he has this heard, has he said: the healthy need not have any physician, only the sick. 13go and learn what this is: I want mercifulness, and not any sacrifice (Hoshea 6, 6); because I am not come call righteous (ones), but sinners.
14then comes to him John's disciples, and say: why fast we and the Pharisees often time, your disciples however fast not? 15and Yehoshua did to them said: (question) can then the bridal parties mourn, while the bridegroom is with them? there will however come days, when the bridegroom will from them taken away to be, and then will they fast. 16and no one puts not any patch of not shrink cloth on an old garment; because the patch rips off from the clothing, and it becomes an worse tear. 17one pours also not into any new wine in old skin-bottle, lest crack the skin-bottle, and the wine spills self out, and the skin-bottle become destroyed; but one pours in new wine in new skin-bottle, and both hold themselves.
18while he has this to them spoken, look, a ruler has come, and is fell down before him, and has said: my daughter is but what died; but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live. 19and Yehoshua is stand up again, and has him followed with his disciples. 20and look, a woman, who has had a hemorrhage twelve years long, is come from behind, and has touched the fringe of his garment. 21because she has to herself said: if I will only touch his garment, will I helped to be. 22and Yehoshua has himself turned around and seeing her, has he said: be comforted, my daughter, your faith has you saved! and the woman is healthy become from that hour on. 23and when Yehoshua is come in in house of the ruler, and has seen the flute players, and the commotion of the crowd, 24has he said: go away! because this little girl is not died, she sleeps only. and they have themselves laughed at him. 25when however the crowd is move away become, is he entered, and has her taken by the hand; and this little girl has self got up. 26and the this one fame has self spread over that entire land.
27and when Yehoshua is from there farther go, have him followed two the blind men, who have shout and said: have mercy you on us, Son of David! 28and when he is come in in house, have the blind come to him. and Yehoshua said to them: believe you (PL), that I can do the these? say they to him: yes, L-rd! 29has he then touched their eyes, and said: according to your faith, so shall it you (PL) happened! 30and their eyes are opened become. and Yehoshua has them strictly warned, so to say: beware you (PL), that no one let not find out about this. 31they however are went out, and have him famous made over that entire land.
32and when they are went out, look, they has brought to him a mute (man), possessed with a evil spirit. 33and after that as the evil spirit is cast out become, did the mute (man) speak. and the crowds of people were astounded, and said: never is such not seen become in Israel! 34the Pharisees however have said: through the ruler of the evil spirits casts he out the evil spirits!
35and Yehoshua was walking about all cities of and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good News of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness. 36and when he has seen the crowds of people, had he on them great compassion had, because they are was languishing and neglected, like sheep, who have not any shepherd. 37then said he to his disciples: the harvest is great, but the laborers are few. 38ask then the L-rd of the harvest, that he shall send out laborers into his harvest!

Chwazi Kounye ya:

Mattityahu 9: OYBCENGL

Pati Souliye




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