Mattityahu 10

chapter ten
1and he has called to Himself his twelve disciples, and has them given power over unclean spirits, them to cast out, and to heal every sickness and every illness.
2and look the these are the names of the twelve Shlichim: the first Simon, who they have him called Peter, and his brother Andrew; Jacob son of Zavdai, and his brother John; 3Philip and Bar-Talmai; Toma and Mattityahu the tax collector; Jacob son of Chalfai and Taddai; 4Simon the Zealot and Yehudah man from Kriot, who did him also betray. 5the these twelve has Yehoshua sent, and has them given directive, so to say:
on any way of the nations (of the world) shall you (PL) not go, and in any city of the Samaritans shall you (PL) not enter; 6but go rather to the lost sheep of the house Israel. 7go, call out and say: the kingdom of heaven is near! 8heal the sick, wake up the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive away the evil spirits! freely have you (PL) received, freely shall you (PL) give! 9take not any gold, not any silver, not any copper in your (PL) belts; 10not any bag for the road, not any two shirts, not any shoes, not any staff; because the laborer is worth his food. 11and into whatever city or village you (PL) come into, search out who it has the worth in you (PL); and there shall you (PL) stay until you (PL) go away. 12and coming in into the house, shall you (PL) it greet. 13and if the house is worthy shall your peace (greeting) come on it, if however it is not worthy shall your peace (greeting) self return to you (PL). 14and who he will you (PL) not receive, and not hear your (PL) words, shall you (PL) go out from that house or that city and shake off the dust from your (PL) feet! 15truly say I you (PL); it will be easier for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.
16look, I send you (PL) like sheep among wolves. be then wise as the snakes, and without falseness as the doves. 17beware however before the people! because they will you (PL) turn over to the Sanhedrin, and in their synagogues will they you (PL) flog with whips; 18even before rulers and kings will they you (PL) lead on account of me, for a witness to them and to the nations (of the world). 19when they will you (PL) however give over, shall you (PL) not worry, as in this way or what you (PL) have to speak; 20because it will you (PL) given to be in that hour, what you (PL) shall speak; because not you (PL) are that, who speaks, but the Spirit of your Father is it, who speaks through you (PL). 21and a brother will give over a brother to the death, and a father his child, and children will standing up again against the parents and will them kill. 22and you (PL) will be hated by (to) everyone on account of my name. who however he will endure until to the end, this one will saved to be. 23and when they persecute you (PL) in the this one city, run in the another into. because in truth tell I you (PL): you (PL) will not to go through the cities of Israel, until the Son of Man will come.
24a disciple is not higher than his teacher, and a slave not above his master. 25it is enough for the disciple, that he shall be like his teacher, and the slave like his master. if the owner of the house have they called Baal-zibbul, how much more his sons of house! 26therefore shall you (PL) yourselves not have fear before them! because it is there is no any hidden thing, that will not revealed become; and no concealed thing, which will not made known become. 27what I tell you (PL) in the darkness, that shall you (PL) speak in the light, and what is being (to) you (PL) whispered in ear into, that shall you (PL) call out on the rooftops. 28and be afraid self not before the (ones), who kill the body, however have not any power to kill the soul; thus shall you (PL) yourselves have fear before the one, who is able to destroy both the soul and the body in Gehenna. 29sell they then not two birds for one penny? and yet falls not any one of them to the earth without your Father. 30with you (PL) however are even the hairs of head all counted. 31therefore shall you (PL) not fear have; you (PL) are worth more than a many birds. 32whoever then it will me confess do before the people, will I the one also confess do before my Father, who is in heaven. 33who however it will me deny before the people, will I the one also deny before my Father, who is in heaven.
34you (PL) should not think, that I am come, so as to bring peace on the earth. I am not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35because I am come to separate a person from his father, and a daughter from her mother, and a daughter-in-law from her mother-in-law, 36and a man's enemies will be his own sons of house. 37who it has love father or mother more than me, this one is me not worthy; and who it has love son or daughter more than me, this one is me not worthy. 38and who it takes not his tree, and follows me after, is me not worthy. 39who it finds his life, this one will it lose; and who it loses his life for my sake, this one will it find.
40the one, who welcomes you (PL) on, welcomes me on; and the one, who welcomes me on, welcomes on the. the One Who has me sent. 41the one, who welcomes on a prophet in the name of a prophet, will receive the reward of a prophet; and the one, who welcomes on a righteous person in the name of a righteous person, will he receive the reward of a righteous person. and the one, 42who will give to drink one of the these small ones only a small cup cold water in the name of a disciple, in truth tell I you (PL); he will never way not to lose his reward!

Chwazi Kounye ya:

Mattityahu 10: OYBCENGL

Pati Souliye




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