Mattityahu 11

chapter eleven
1and it is happened, when Yehoshua has finished commanded his twelve disciples, is he from there depart to teach and to proclaim in their cities.
2when however John has heard in prison the deeds of the Moshiach, has he sent through his disciples. 3and said to him: you are this One, who shall come, or have we to wait on an other? 4and Yehoshua has answering said to them: go and tell John what you (PL) hear and sees: 5the blind see, and lame walk around, lepers become cleansed, and deaf hear, and dead stand up, and to poor people it is announced the good News. 6and blessed is the one, who will not stumble in Me! 7and while the these are went away, has Yehoshua begun to say to the crowds of people concerning John: what did you (PL) go out in the wilderness into see? a reed shaken by wind? 8but what then are you (PL) went out to see? a man dressed in fine clothing? look, the (ones) who wear fine clothing, are in the houses of the kings! 9but what then are you (PL) went out? to see a prophet? yes, I tell you (PL), and more than a prophet. 10this is he, concerning whom it stands written:
look, I send my messenger before your face,
he will prepare your way for you (SG).
(Malachi 3, 1)
11in truth tell I you (PL), there is not arisen among the mortals born of woman any greater than John of the (Yarden) mikveh. yet is the smallest in the kingdom of heaven greater than him. 12however from the days of John of the (Yarden) mikveh until now suffers the kingdom of heaven violence, and the (ones), who do violence tear it to themselves. 13because all prophets and the Torah have prophecies said until John. 14and if you (PL) want it accept, is he Eliyahu, who must come. 15who it has ears, this one should hear! 16to whom however shall I compare the this very generation? it is like to children, who sit in the marketplace and call out to their companions, 17and say; we have played for you (PL) on flutes, and you (PL) did not dance; we have sing dirges, and you (PL) have not wail! 18because John is come, has not eaten and not drank, and they say: he has an evil spirit! 19the Son of Man is come, eats and drinks yes; and they say: look, a man a glutton and drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners! and yet is the wisdom vindicated by its deeds.
20then has he begun to reproach the cities, in which the most of his wonders have happened, because they have not repentance done. 21woe to you (SG), Chorazin! woe to you (SG), Bethsaida! because if in Tyre and Sidon would happened the wonders, which are happened with you (PL), would they already long before have repentance done in sackcloth and in ashes. 22yet tell I you (PL), it will be easier for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment, than for you (PL)! 23and you (SG), K'far-Nachum, up to the heaven will you be raised up? down to Sheol deepest will you be brought down. because if in Sodom would happened the wonders, which have happened in you (SG), would it stand remain until to the today's day! 24yet tell I you (PL), that it will be easier for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for you (SG)!
25in that time has Yehoshua answering said: I praise you, Father, L-rd of heaven and earth, that you (SG) you have hidden the these things from the wise ones and understanding, and them revealed to small children! 26yes, Father, because so is it was pleasing for you (SG). 27all is me given over become from my Father, and no one knows not the Son except the Father; and no one knows not the Father except the Son, and whom the Son wants him reveal his. 28come to me all, who toil hard and are burdened, and I will you (PL) give rest. 29take my yoke on yourselves, and learn from me; because I am a meek and of a soft disposition, and you (PL) will find rest for your (PL) souls. 30because my yoke is agreeable, and my burden is easy!

Chwazi Kounye ya:

Mattityahu 11: OYBCENGL

Pati Souliye




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