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Here's some JOY for ya! Go with it!

John 10:10 Man says: I want to enjoy life to its fullest! God says: I will give you more and better than you've known.

Romans 12:15 Man says: Sometimes I resent other people's success. God says: Be happy for them and you won't resent them.

2 Corinthians 2:14 Man says: There is something different I admire about you. Can't put my finger on it. God says: It's God and Christ in me who makes a difference.

Philippians 4:4 Man says: How do you stand up under all that pressure? God says: The Lord lives in me, giving me joy.

Psalm 51:12 Man says: I'd expect Christians to be pretty happy if Christianity is worth adhering to. God says: You're right. Some Christians need a restoration. Joy will return.

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O planu čitanja


Radost je temeljni dio kršćanske vjere. A tvoja radost raste u susretu s Bogom i razmišljanju o Njegovoj Riječi. Slijedeći redtci, kad se upamte, ti mogu pomoći da uvećaš radost u svom životu! Neka tvoj život bude promjenjen pamćenjem Svetog Pisma


Željeli bismo zahvaliti MemLok, The Bible Memory System (Sustav za pamćenje Biblije, op.prev.), što su nam omogučili ovaj plan čitanja. Za više informacija o MemLok-u, molimo posjeti://