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Another day to examine your emotional temperature.

Romans 12:19 Man says: If I don't get even, they'll get away with it! God says: Revenge is for God, not for you.

Ephesians 4:26-27 Man says: People deserve to get blasted sometimes! God says: Control your anger. If not, you'll do bad things, opening the door to Satan.

James 1:19-20 Man says: My temper lets her know where she stands. Best way to solve the problem. God says: Actually, a temper NEVER achieves good things.

Hebrews 12:15 Man says: Yes, I'm bitter. And I plan on staying that way. It wasn't fair! God says: You are hurting others and missing God's grace then.

Dan 3Dan 5

O planu čitanja


Ljutnja se događa i najboljima među nama. Tvoja reakcija na ljutnju temelji se na povjerenju u Boga i razmišljanju o Njegovoj Riječi. Razmisli o planu čitanja s temom Povjerenje usporedno s temom Ljutnja. Slijedeće rečenice, nakon što su upamćene, mogu ti pomoći da na ljutnju reagiraš ispravno. Neka tvoj život bude transformiran pamćenjem Svetog Pisma! Za opsežni sustav za pamćenje Svetog Pisma posjeti


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