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Understanding Spiritual Authority

Dan 1 od 3

Satan Stole Authority from Adam and Eve

When we read the Scriptures, it is crucial to consider the specific context in which events occurred. For instance, in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had authority over the Earth, allowing them to name animals and govern the garden. However, the serpent's temptation (representing Satan) led to their expulsion from the garden, resulting in the loss of their authority to Satan.

This authority of Satan is highlighted in various biblical passages, such as in Job 1:6, where Satan presents himself before God in the Heavenly Council. This underscores that Satan acquired authority initially taken from Adam and Eve. It is crucial to understand that, according to my understanding of the Scriptures, Satan's ability to present himself before God is no longer possible today.

Other passages, like Zechariah 3:1, depict Satan as the accuser, standing at the right hand of the high priest Joshua to accuse him. Continuing in the passage, you see Joshua wearing filthy garments, and God says, "Remove the filthy garments from him. See, I have taken your iniquity away from you and will clothe you with festal robes." God completely changes him, transforming his garments. We understand that these garments also represent his condition as a man whom God forgives and purifies from sin. It's this aspect I want to emphasize because Satan comes to accuse, and he is called the accuser of our brothers and sisters.

In the following passage, we see how Satan uses the authority he had on earth, taken from Adam and Eve.

Luke 4:5-6: "The devil led Jesus to a high place and showed Him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to Him, 'I will give you all this authority and their glory, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want.'"

Jesus, in this passage, does not contradict what Satan claims about the authority given to him and his ability to give it to whomever he wishes.

Who gave him all these kingdoms? Who gave him authority on Earth? It was Adam and Eve; he took it from them.

But Jesus Christ, through His sacrifice, came to change this! I will talk about this tomorrow!

Also, at the end of this plan, I would like to share a resource that will bless you!

Pray with me:

Lord Jesus, thank you for granting me a greater understanding of spiritual authority through Your Word! I do not want to give the enemy any advantage over me by ignoring his schemes. He was defeated at the Cross!

Jérémy Pothin

Dan 2

O planu čitanja

Understanding Spiritual Authority

If you are curious about the biblical concept of spiritual authority or seek a comprehensive perspective on spiritual authority from Genesis to Revelation, then this reading plan will greatly assist you!
