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15 Days Year End Prayer and Fast

Dan 15 od 15


On this last day of prayer, our hearts are united in a common desire—to witness a mighty revival in the Church and our beloved nation. The journey of revival begins with earnest and intentional prayer. Let us explore practical ways to intercede for the transformation we seek.

"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise." (Jeremiah 17:14)

Prayer Points:

1. Personal Examination:

Begin by examining your own heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of sin or complacency in your life. As we seek personal revival, our collective prayers gain sincerity and power.

2. Confession and Repentance:

Confess sins, both personal and collective, and repent before God. A repentant heart opens the way for God's mercy and forgiveness. Pray for a spirit of repentance to sweep through the Church and the nation.

3. Intercession for Leaders:

Lift up pastors, church leaders, and national leaders in prayer. Pray for their spiritual strength, wisdom, and discernment. Ask God to guide them in leading with integrity and humility.

4. Unity in the Body of Christ:

Pray for unity among believers. Ask God to break down walls of division and create a spirit of love and cooperation within the Church. Unity is a powerful force for revival.

5. Spiritual Hunger:

Pray for a hunger and thirst for righteousness to permeate the Church and the nation. Ask God to stir hearts with a desire to know Him more deeply and to seek His presence earnestly.

6. Renewal of Passion for God's Word:

Pray for a renewed passion for God's Word. Ask that the Scriptures would come alive in the hearts of believers, guiding their lives and transforming their minds.

7. Outpouring of the Holy Spirit:

Plead for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Pray for spiritual gifts to be activated, for signs and wonders to follow the preaching of the Word, and for a revival of spiritual gifts within the Church.

8. Compassion for the Lost:

Pray for a burden for the lost. Ask God to break our hearts for those who do not know Him, both within our communities and on a national level. Pray for effective and courageous evangelism.

9. Social Justice and Compassion:

Lift up social justice concerns and pray for a compassionate response from the Church and the nation. Pray for healing in areas of brokenness and for a commitment to justice and mercy.

10. Thanksgiving and Praise:

Finally, let our prayers be saturated with thanksgiving and praise. Thank God for His faithfulness, for past revivals, and for the assurance that He hears and answers our prayers.

As we engage in these practical prayers, let us do so with expectation, knowing that our God is faithful. May our intercession be a catalyst for the revival we long to see in the Church and our nation. May our hearts echo the psalmist's cry, "Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved!" (Psalm 80:3).

In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Dan 14

O planu čitanja

15 Days Year End Prayer and Fast

If you plan on 15 days of prayer and fasting, this plan is the perfect choice. For the next 15 days, you can have a prayer focus on building your relationship with Jesus. Each day, there will be a Bible reading passage that you can read and meditate on based on the prayer theme of the day.
