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5 Powerful Prayers to Transform School CommunitiesPrimjer

5 Powerful Prayers to Transform School Communities

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God Overcomes Fear

Heroes of the faith, whether chronicled in the pages of scripture, in history books, or living out their calling today, faced extreme challenges and circumstances. Consider Daniel as he courageously faced ferocious lions, Harriet Tubman as she successfully led slaves to freedom, or Corrie ten Boom as she secretly shared Scripture in a Nazi concentration camp. Each of them chose to walk by faith, following God’s leading and not allowing themselves to be paralyzed by fear.

You may not be up against a lion or an angry, armed guard today, but circumstances may be tempting you toward fear and anxiety. Regardless of their age, students are faced with many situations which can evoke fear in their hearts. Thankfully, the God who has been faithful in the past is the same God who helps them to overcome fear today.

Today, as we conclude five powerful prayers to transform school communities, we trust God to replace fear and discouragement with hope and victory.

Let’s pray today, praising God, who overcomes fear, and for hearts to look to God when they are afraid.

Praise God, Who Overcomes Fear!

“God is love. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…” I John 4:16,18

We praise You today, God because You are love and You demonstrate perfect love. We acknowledge that Your love drives out fear.

Pray for Hearts that Look to God When they are Afraid

“I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4

God, circumstances today provoke fear in many hearts-fear of health concerns, fear of government instability, fear of academic failure. May each person in our school community seek You when they are afraid. As they learn to trust You and experience Your answers and deliverance, we ask that You would create a powerful movement of transformation that can not be denied.

Pray for Hearts Free from Fear

“Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.” I Chronicles 28:20

Lord, we pray for students and staff to be strong and courageous in their work required to learn and to be successful in the classroom and in life. In situations where learning adaptations and technology due to CoVid have created challenges to stay engaged in learning, we cry out to You for help. Replace fear and discouragement with hope and victory as students and staff experience Your presence with them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

We adapted this plan from our Weekly Prayer Focuses. Connect with Keep Watch at .Keep Watch.

Dan 4

O planu čitanja

5 Powerful Prayers to Transform School Communities

Do you have a heart for children, for teachers, or for a specific school? In this devotional, you will discover how you can trust God to transform the hearts of students, teachers, and administrators by praying scripture for school communities. When we allow God’s powerful word to shape our prayers, His purposes and plans are accomplished.
