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God's Heart for Justice

Dan 4 od 7

God’s people know there are many things He wants us to do. He wants us to praise Him in song, to study His Word, to pray with focus. And He wants His people to act justly. 

The danger can be that we look at these many things as a menu. We pick and choose the actions which most appeal to us. Do you like studying the Bible? Then you do you! You’re a prayer warrior? Then off you go!

What happens when we pick one thing and forget the others? That’s what this passage addresses. Israel was eager to practice some of the spiritual disciplines. Fasting, the pious practice of going without food and drink for a concentrated period of time, is a good thing to do. But not if it means picking fasting over justice. As it says in this passage, fasting brings no benefit if at the same time you exploit the vulnerable. God is not listening to Israel’s prayers when they fast regularly but forget the hungry (see verse 4 and verse7).

Reflection and Response:

1. Do a stocktake of your spiritual life. Do you treat God’s commands like a menu – picking some and avoiding others?

2. Watch the video below on the inspiring example of the Earl of Shaftesbury


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God's Heart for Justice

Our God is a God of justice! From the beginning to the end of the biblical story, God desires that all people will know him, and that humans would serve, not oppress; share, rather than hoard; and empower, rather than de...


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