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The Key to Continued Peace
Life Principle 12: Peace with God is the fruit of oneness with God.
It’s a known fact that into every life a little rain must fall. No one is exempt from the difficulties that have a way of showing up when we least expect them. And chances are when adversity does strike, one of the first questions we’ll ask ourselves is why. We may even begin to fret about the impact it will have on our lives. While reactions such as these are normal, we also need another response—and that is to turn to the One who holds all comfort and security firmly within His grasp.
Paul admonishes us to “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7).
How can we change the feelings of anxiety when we come under pressure? One of the first steps is to recognize anxiety for what it is—the opposite of peace. It’s the fan that flames the fires of doubt and confusion, and it has the ability to leave us helplessly bundled in worry and fear. When we cave to thoughts of anxiety, we lose our spiritual focus and mindset. The key to overcoming anxiety is found only in the presence of God.
Accepting God’s timetable and the limitations He places on a given situation help to dispel rising anxiety. Therefore, let Him provide for you in His timing. When you accept life as a gift from the hand of God, there you will find mercy and grace, forgiveness and hope, peace and everlasting security.
Let His peace fill your heart—today and every day. Tell Him all you’re feeling. God understands and knows life can be difficult—but He has a solution. Our peace resides in our Savior who loves us unconditionally. And He’s promised to keep us and deliver us into the Father’s loving arms.
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O planu čitanja
Dr. Charles Stanley naglašava trideset životnih principa koja su ga vodila i pomogla mu da raste u znanju, službi i ljubavi prema Bogu kroz više od 60 godina vjernog služenja. Pridruži mu se kako bi ti pomogao dublje istražiti svaki od navedenih principa, podučavajući te kako ih provoditi u praksi svaki dan vodeći te da uživaš u obilnom životu koji ti Krist želi dati.