Brick by Brick - Rebuilding What Mattersनमूना

Brick by Brick - Rebuilding What Matters

दिन 3 का 10

Rebuilding Boundaries

You may have heard of the saying, “Build bridges, not walls.” This phrase is commonly said to encourage people to make connections amid differences: to seek, to empathize, and not to divide. In this context, walls take on a negative connotation as they become obstacles to something greater. But are walls always bad? When are they good, or even necessary?

Arriving in Jerusalem, Nehemiah began his inspection of the broken walls. He carefully inspected parts of the damaged wall and counted the cost of the momentous task of repairing them (v13). Then, he called upon the people to begin the rebuilding work. They responded unanimously and positively (v14).

While it may appear that Nehemiah’s project was simply a physical affair, it represented much more than that. The 'rebuilding' of Jerusalem’s walls was necessary because the walls reflected the boundaries that set Israel apart from the surrounding nations. The wall was a way to protect the Jew’s identity as God’s people. In history, Israel had once fallen prey to worldly influences, resulting in them worshipping idols. Without walls, Israel remained vulnerable to the influence (or even threats) of outsiders, whose pagan culture could draw them away from God again.

Nehemiah’s careful rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem illustrates the importance of personal boundaries in our lives. In a broken world with values often at odds with God’s, we need to be wall-builders to thrive as disciples. Our boundaries are not meant for physical isolation. Our boundary is our intentional establishment of distinction – we commit to living in Christlikeness. Our goal is not to blend in with the world, but to bless the world with salvation through Jesus.

What are these boundaries that need to be carefully and intentionally built into our lives? They could be physical separation from relationships and habits that turn us away from God. They could be establishing a protected time to nurture spiritual disciplines, such as praying and reading His word. They could be committing to values such as worshipping and serving God. The Jews responded heartily to rebuilding the walls. Today, would you also respond by building your boundaries to keep worldly influence out and retain the godly values God has called you to?

Pray Together

There are ‘walls’ in our life that are meant for our spiritual protection, so that we may be in the world, but not of the world. Examine ourselves thoroughly, like how Nehemiah did! Which are the ‘walls’ which have been neglected, leaving us vulnerable? Pray that we will respond to rebuilding these walls heartily, like how the Jews did.

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Brick by Brick - Rebuilding What Matters

We know the frustration of taking a wrong turn and going off track. It happens, even in our spiritual lives; but, thankfully, we can turn back, and rebuild what matters. The Israelite remnant that returned from exile to the Promised Land rebuilt their walls brick by brick. Let's share in their journey of spiritual renewal in God.
