Brick by Brick - Rebuilding What Mattersनमूना

Brick by Brick - Rebuilding What Matters

दिन 10 का 10

Our Devotion meets God's Faithfulness

"Holiness is not the way to Christ, but Christ is the way to holiness."
Minister James H. Aughey

In just fifty-two days, the walls have been rebuilt! Jerusalem is fortified, and the rebuilt walls represent Israel’s boundaries, making them distinct from the surrounding peoples. More than just mere intentions, the Israelites exhibited their commitment to worship and holy living. It is truly worthy of our respect.

At the same time, this completion of the walls was more than just a finished work project for Israel. it was a symbol of God’s faithfulness to them. While they persevered through the variety of challenges, God acted on their behalf to deliver them. God was faithful to His Word, that Jerusalem would indeed be rebuilt (Isaiah 44:28).

Israel’s story stands as a timeless reminder of two precious lessons. We see the devotion of Israel as they committed to rebuilding the wall and worshiping God. We see the faithfulness of God to enable His people to live in holiness.

In the same way, let us be devoted to holiness. Let us remember that our road to holiness lies in Christ. He will enable us to walk in His ways.

Even when the walls were completed, the Jews were not complacent. Nehemiah knew that the boundaries to keep worldly influence out must be preserved. He appointed gatekeepers, musicians, Levites, guards, and God-fearing men to oversee Jerusalem. The ins and outs of Israelites in the city were recorded, keeping out foreign influence and protecting the faith community.

As disciples today, our actions in maintaining boundaries will naturally look different. But it is just as important. We are the body of Christ. We can be a holy people that truly represent Him when we continually set ourselves apart from the world.

This task may appear daunting in light of the temptations and distractions the world presents. God invites us to remember His faithfulness through this story. Since Nehemiah 1, we have seen how God had intended to work through Nehemiah to rebuild the walls. With Israel’s devotion and God’s faithfulness, it was brought to completion.

Today, God’s faithfulness empowers us in our pursuit of holiness. Brick by brick, He moves in our lives to rebuild what matters. God is not done yet and He will not stop till He completes His work in us.

Pray Together

Pray for spiritual eyes to see God’s hand at work in the events in our lives. They are paths of reconciliation and restoration that lead us and the people around us, back towards Him.


Thank you for joining us on this journey in Brick by Brick - Rebuilding What Matters. We hope you've been blessed by this time. Alongside this devotional is a prayer guide as we navigate 2022 - we'd love to invite you to pray along with us as a church, so join us here!

For more about us at Hope Singapore, check out our website or access our resources at the Grow Portal.

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिन 9

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Brick by Brick - Rebuilding What Matters

We know the frustration of taking a wrong turn and going off track. It happens, even in our spiritual lives; but, thankfully, we can turn back, and rebuild what matters. The Israelite remnant that returned from exile to the Promised Land rebuilt their walls brick by brick. Let's share in their journey of spiritual renewal in God.
