Discover the New Door!नमूना

Discover the New Door!

दिन 3 का 6


A lot of people are into blaming God for disease, illness, death, and so on, but God does not deserve to be blamed; rather we should glorify God if we are battling a disease or have experienced loss in death!  Why?  Because disease and death came upon the earth because of sin.  Before Adam and Eve gave into temptation and sinned, there was no death; there was no disease or illness.  Mankind brought it on himself, but God, in His generous mercy, has a way of opening doors even when we think some have closed.  

Do we think for a moment that God is looking down over the earth and enjoying what He sees when a servant of God falls ill, or when He sees the heartache brought on by the death of a loved one? No, I believe with all my heart that God sees potential and growth through all things!!  Knowing this, we should be expecting something great even when we feel our worst!

In yesterday’s study, I mentioned how life continued for years without much of a glitch.  I shared with you my line of work and the things I was involved with in ministry, but I didn’t mention that from time to time I enjoyed picking up my art brushes to paint on canvas and drag out the ink to do some calligraphy.  It wasn’t something I did very often simply because my days were filled with other activities.  I mention this because it will contribute to glorifying God later in this plan!

Even though I have always been a deep thinker, I never wondered about what God does all day in heaven until after I was diagnosed.  2nd Chronicles 16:9a says,

“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9a

Quick backstory on this scripture:  King Asa rid the land of idols and false gods, but he also had a massive million-man Ethiopian/Libyan Army as a threat.  Hanani, a prophet, spoke to King Asa of Judah and rebuked him for relying on the King of Syria.  King Asa was a good king, but this shows us that we can let our human side interfere with God’s plans.  He didn’t put full trust in God, but he did rely on him at times, and God seeing his heart gave him grace in victory.  The prophet then spoke the verse above to the king to let King Asa know that God does see our every move on earth and rewards us accordingly.

I used this illustration because many times in life our plans are not in line with God’s.  My heart was right in that I wanted to minister to others for God, but I was sure it was going to be through my vocal cords and my involvement with lots of people!  


It is easy to succumb to feel disappointed when things don’t work out as we anticipated.  If you are going through a health issue, I want you to begin to realize that there is always more than one way of doing things and there is always more than one door!


  • Especially during health issues, we need to glorify God rather than question Him!
  • Sickness and disease came because of the fall of man.
  • God is sad when His loved ones suffer, but He has a way to             pull the good out of every situation!
  • God’s eyes are constantly searching the earth, and He knows the heart of each person!
  • Just like King Asa, we can allow our human side to rob God of the trust He deserves.

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिन 2दिन 4

इस योजना के बारें में

Discover the New Door!

I was diagnosed with Essential Tremors, a disorder of the Central Nervous System years ago. Tremors affected my head, hands, and voice which stopped my public speaking. If you are battling a health issue, this plan is for you! God wants you to know that He can work through you, even when the door you planned to walk through, closes!
