Discover the New Door!नमूना

Discover the New Door!

दिन 2 का 6


In yesterday’s study, we learned that our plans may not always work out the way we had hoped.  It is so important for us to realize that our plans may not be the best plan!  In our human mindset, we tend to always think we know what is best for ourselves, but many times we miss the mark.

When things go wrong that alter our plans, we often become discouraged, and take on a woe is me pity party, which plays right into the enemy’s hands.  There is nothing the enemy wants more than to tear us down and make us want to quit.

After my diagnosis, I went on living life for many more years before the tremors became very noticeable to other people.  

Even though I was involved in several types of ministry, I kept asking God about my purpose as I still felt I wasn’t fulfilling it.  I knew if we are doing the will of God that we are in His purpose, but somehow, I felt there was more for me.

“Continue to ask, and God will give to you. Continue to search, and you will find. Continue to knock, and the door will open for you. Yes, whoever continues to ask will receive. Whoever continues to look will notice Him. And whoever continues to knock will have the door opened for them.”  Matthew 7:7-8

Verse 7 is Red Letter Edition, which indicates these are the very words of Jesus!!  That is a powerful sentence.  What are you asking for?  What are you searching for?  We are told to be persistent in asking and in searching.  I am 75 years old, and it was just recently that I felt I finally discovered my purpose in life!!  Whatever you do, no matter how long it takes, don’t give up just because your plans in life have changed!

“I am the door: by me, if any man enters in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.”  John 10:9. 

When we seek and ask God to open the door, we are asking for Jesus!  We are inviting Him into our life! We are inviting Him to be a part of our plan, whatever that plan evolves into. The key to knowing what the perfect plan is for our lives.  


Something is inviting about a door!  It can open and it can close. In today’s scriptures, we are told to ask God to open a door for us. We are told to seek Him because without Him, we can’t have a perfect plan, and we can’t have a true purpose in life!  In our study tomorrow we learn about a door that closes.


  • When things go wrong, our human side goes into pity mode.
  • Our minds tip toward depression and wanting to give up.
  • The enemy loves when our plans are altered.
  • God tells us to knock on His door and to seek Him!
  • Scripture tells us to be persistent in knocking.
  • The door in the scripture is Jesus and with Him, a new door will open!

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दिन 1दिन 3

इस योजना के बारें में

Discover the New Door!

I was diagnosed with Essential Tremors, a disorder of the Central Nervous System years ago. Tremors affected my head, hands, and voice which stopped my public speaking. If you are battling a health issue, this plan is for you! God wants you to know that He can work through you, even when the door you planned to walk through, closes!
