

יום 16 מתוך 25

The disciples and believers of the early church can sometimes seem like big action movie characters. It’s easy to imagine them on screen now—men and women sneaking into towns both big and small, secretly spreading the word about a Savior who had died for the sins of the world so every person could live free. And while some of that imagination may be over the top, there’s no denying that sharing the gospel at that time was incredibly dangerous. Religious institutions that had held power and influence for centuries were not happy about the competition and tried to stop the spread of information by exiling anyone who tried to share about Jesus.

The book of Acts itself is filled with stories of how the early church was again and again persecuted and ridiculed. And yet, despite so many hardships, it began to grow. The Good News of the Gospel spread despite some great efforts to sweep it under the rug. It spread because believers knew that sharing the story of Jesus was more important than giving in to any fear they had about what could happen to them. How can we be more like these early believers? What are some things that are keeping you from sharing your faith with friends and family?

כתבי הקודש

יום 15יום 17

על התכנית הזו


When it comes to our relationship with God, habits can take on a huge role. They can work to help us stay consistently connected to Him, or become distractions that keep our minds focused on what we want and not on what God wants for our lives. We’ll take a look at how being consistent with our spiritual habits helps us maintain a close relationship with our Savior.
