

יום 21 מתוך 25

What does it look like to worship God with your whole life? Of course, no one is expected to continually sing worship music all day every day, or to constantly be playing music at full volume so everyone around you can hear. Instead, every part of our day can be used to show our love and appreciation for Jesus. We can worship when we wake up and are thankful for each new day, when we take the time to show patience and love to another of God’s creations when we just want to walk away, or even when we decide to treat ourselves with the love and respect we’d want others to show us. Everything we do and say every day can be a form of worship. That is when we do these things in a way that is pleasing to God.

Think about a typical daily schedule for you. Be sure to include times you’re at work when you’re spending time with your family, or even when you’re carving out time for yourself whenever you have a free moment. Are there areas where you are naturally able to show your worship to God? Are there times when you can be more intentional when it comes to sharing your love, appreciation, and praise for Him? If this is a new practice for you, it may be helpful to set aside a specific time each day to be intentional with your form of worship.

כתבי הקודש

יום 20יום 22

על התכנית הזו


When it comes to our relationship with God, habits can take on a huge role. They can work to help us stay consistently connected to Him, or become distractions that keep our minds focused on what we want and not on what God wants for our lives. We’ll take a look at how being consistent with our spiritual habits helps us maintain a close relationship with our Savior.
