Giving to Godדוגמה

Giving to God

יום 6 מתוך 6

Rebuking The Devourer

Have you ever felt like your hard-earned resources are slipping through your fingers?

In the midst of financial challenges, it’s easy to lose sight of God’s provision and become discouraged. However, God gives us a powerful principle to combat this struggle – the act of tithing.

Tithing, the practice of giving ten percent of our income to God, is not merely an obligation but an opportunity to partner with Him. In the book of Malachi, God invites us to test Him in this area, assuring us that He will rebuke the devourer and pour out abundant blessings upon us.

The devourer, often referred to as the “seed eater,” represents anything that threatens to consume our resources and hinder our well-being. It manifests in unexpected expenses, financial crises, or even poor financial decisions. But as we bring our tithes into God’s storehouse, we open ourselves up to experience His supernatural provision and protection.

When we tithe, we acknowledge that all we have belongs to God. It’s an act of faith, recognizing that He is our ultimate provider. As we honor Him with our tithes, God promises to bless us beyond our imagination. He opens the floodgates of heaven, pouring out blessings too abundant to contain.

Moreover, God assures us that He will prevent the devourer from depleting our resources. He promises to protect our crops, ensuring that the fruit of our labor is not prematurely lost or wasted. By tithing, we enter into a divine partnership with God, where He safeguards our finances, enabling us to prosper according to His will.

But tithing isn’t a formula for instant wealth or a guarantee to live a trouble-free life. It’s a spiritual discipline, requiring trust, obedience, and a genuine desire to honor God.

Today, let’s embrace the principle of tithing, knowing that it not only impacts our finances, but also strengthens our faith and deepens our relationship with God. Trust in His promises, step out obediently, and watch as He rebukes the devourer and pours out His blessings upon your life.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of partnering with You through tithing. Help me to trust Your provision and willingly give back a portion of what You’ve blessed me with. May my act of tithing be an expression of faithful obedience. Rebuke the devourer in my life and pour out Your abundant blessings upon me. In Jesus' name, amen.

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יום 5

על התכנית הזו

Giving to God

Tithing is an act that allows us to partner with God in fulfilling the work of His Kingdom. Join David Villa in his newest devotional as he goes over the importance and benefit of faithfully giving to God
