Giving to Godדוגמה

Giving to God

יום 2 מתוך 6

90 Is Greater Than 100

Have you ever wondered why God asks us to give a portion of our income as a tithe?

Sometimes, it may seem difficult to understand the significance of giving a portion away when we could use it for our own needs or desires. However, God’s Word teaches us that tithing is not only an act of obedience, but also a gateway to experiencing His abundant blessings.

At first, it may seem counterintuitive to give away a portion and expect to have more. However, God’s economy operates on a different level than our human understanding. When we faithfully give our tithes, we demonstrate our trust in God as our provider and acknowledge that everything we have comes from Him.

Tithing is an opportunity to align our hearts with His purposes and prioritize His Kingdom in our lives. When we give our tithes, we acknowledge that God is the owner of all we possess and that we are merely stewards of His resources. By giving, we participate in God’s work of providing for His people and advancing His kingdom.

Let us remember that tithing is not a burden, but a privilege. It’s an opportunity for us to partner with God in His redemptive work and experience the joy of giving. As we give our tithes, let us do so with a cheerful heart, knowing that God is faithful to bless what is left in our hands.

Today, I encourage you to reflect on your attitude towards tithing. Are you giving tithes as an act of worship and obedience? Trust God’s promise that He will bless what remains in your life abundantly. May we embrace the truth that 90 is greater than 100, for in giving, we receive immeasurable blessings of our loving Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of giving. Help me to trust You wholeheartedly and faithfully bring my tithes into Your storehouse. May my giving be an act of worship and obedience, and may You pour out Your blessings upon me in ways that exceed my expectations. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

יום 1יום 3

על התכנית הזו

Giving to God

Tithing is an act that allows us to partner with God in fulfilling the work of His Kingdom. Join David Villa in his newest devotional as he goes over the importance and benefit of faithfully giving to God
