A Hope Fulfilled - Advent Devotionalדוגמה

A Hope Fulfilled - Advent Devotional

יום 11 מתוך 22

It is truly extraordinary to contemplate how the Lord can counter our expectations and simultaneously surpass them in ways that bring glory to Himself and bestow immeasurable blessings on His people. Take, for example, Isaiah 9:6–7, a beloved portion of a poetic oracle we often recite during the Christmas season. These two verses begin with the proclamation, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.” They reveal that God’s people who walked in darkness would see a great light (Isaiah 9:2), but this light would shine upon them in the most unexpected way — through the giving of a newborn baby. How surprising it would have been to hear that God would provide a conqueror of the forces that oppressed His people in the form of a helpless child, and yet this prophecy was fulfilled at the birth of Jesus, as explained in Luke 2:11: “Today in the city of David a Savior was born for you.”

This announcement is one of many surprising details of this oracle. The following line, “and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace,” makes unequivocally clear that this son is none other than God incarnate. The mingling of humanity and divinity in this new Davidic king confounds the human imagination. Yet, it was uniquely realized in the miraculous incarnation of Jesus Christ.

Only through the divine identity of this promised child is a third surprising feature of this prophecy made possible: the eternity of his reign. A government whose peace will have no end can only be guaranteed by a ruler who reigns according to righteousness and justice. In God’s great zeal for His people, a great newness, a greater Davidic king, and a great light have been given to us through the incarnation of His Son. Again, it is truly extraordinary to contemplate how the Lord can counter our expectations and simultaneously surpass them in ways that bring glory to Himself and bestow immeasurable blessings on His people.

Let all those who have turned to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior rejoice in this fulfilled prophecy this Christmas season. Because a child was born, we no longer live in darkness. Because a son was given to us, we are no longer slaves to sin. Because authority rests on His shoulders, we live under His reign and enjoy everlasting peace. Because Jesus Christ came to earth as the incarnated Son of God, justice and righteousness will be upheld forevermore to the glory of God and our everlasting enjoyment.


Lord of glory, you are our Wonderful Counselor, our Mighty God, our Everlasting Father, and our Prince of Peace. We give praise and honor to you for bringing your light into this dark world in a way that the wisdom of this world would never expect so that we can see your goodness and truth. Let your peace be made known in our lives as we experience the joy of our salvation, and let your peace be made known to those who are lost in their sin so that they might come to know the riches of your grace and be made new in your name. Amen.

Zachary Dawson, Ph.D., serves as assistant professor of Biblical Studies for the Regent University School of Divinity.

כתבי הקודש

יום 10יום 12

על התכנית הזו

A Hope Fulfilled - Advent Devotional

A Hope Fulfilled - Advent Devotional explores the prophetic fulfillment of Jesus' birth as foretold in the Old Testament. Each week will have an introductory devotional on Sunday, followed by paired devotionals from the Old (promise) and New Testaments (fulfillment). Journey with Regent University School of Divinity’s faculty and staff as our hearts are once again recaptured by the beauty of Jesus' incarnation and how, through Christ, our hope is fulfilled.
