A Hope Fulfilled - Advent Devotionalדוגמה

A Hope Fulfilled - Advent Devotional

יום 22 מתוך 22

Advent, the beginning of the Christian liturgical year, is a time of renewed hope. We can have hope because God is faithful, and His steadfast love never ends. He will not leave our world in darkness and despair. Because His mercies never end, our hearts can be filled with hope. In this great Biblical truth, we place our hope. Advent finds its culmination on Christmas day. Christ has come! Light has overcome the darkness! Emmanuel, God is with us! Our hope is fulfilled in Him!

The Gospel of Luke declares that the angel of the Lord appeared to shepherds who were watching their flock by night. The angel declared that Christ, who is Lord, had been born for them and that this event was good news of great joy to all people. The angel's message was confirmed by many heavenly hosts praising God by saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.” The incarnation of the eternal Son of God meant that the longing of the ages for the deliverance of darkness and the ravages of sin has now been fulfilled in His birth. Hope was now fulfilled; hope has come to live amongst us. His kingdom, which knows no end, has come.

Today, be assured that Christ is with you. He is the fullness of the faithful and loving mercy of God. He, who is called Emmanuel, will never leave you. Because of Christ, your hope will not be disappointed. His birth brings great joy to all people, and in Him you have eternal peace. But our firm hope, fulfilled in His birth, also extends to the consummation of this world. He, who came once, will come again. He will come to rule and reign and put all things right. He will wipe away every tear and heal every wound. He, the Lamb of God, once born and slain for the world's sins, will sit on the throne. Our hope is secure in Him. Our hope is fulfilled in Him. Come, hope of our hearts. Come, Lord Jesus!


Come, Emmanuel! Come, Lord Jesus! Come the hope of our hearts! Come and rule in our hearts, rule in our world. Come, Lord Jesus, come!

Corné J. Bekker, D. Litt. et Phil., serves as dean and professor for the Regent University School of Divinity.

כתבי הקודש

יום 21

על התכנית הזו

A Hope Fulfilled - Advent Devotional

A Hope Fulfilled - Advent Devotional explores the prophetic fulfillment of Jesus' birth as foretold in the Old Testament. Each week will have an introductory devotional on Sunday, followed by paired devotionals from the Old (promise) and New Testaments (fulfillment). Journey with Regent University School of Divinity’s faculty and staff as our hearts are once again recaptured by the beauty of Jesus' incarnation and how, through Christ, our hope is fulfilled.
