

יום 13 מתוך 19

Acts 16-18

What’s Happening?

After Paul and Barnabas split, we are introduced to a young believer named Timothy, whom Paul asks to accompany them on the second leg of their missionary journey. Timothy, born to a Gentile father and Jewish mother, is circumcised in order to more effectively minister among Jews.

Acts 16:5 gives us our fifth progress report of the book, saying that the churches were being strengthened in the faith and increasing in numbers daily. Guided by the Holy Spirit towards the Roman colony of Macedonia, Paul and the others arrive in a major city called Philippi.

Paul casts a demon out of a young slave girl, and her angered owners have Paul and Silas thrown into prison. That night, the imprisoned Paul and Silas are worshiping God when a violent earthquake shakes open the prison doors and prisoners’ chains.

The jailer, fearing that all of the prisoners have escaped under his watch, draws his sword to take his own life. Paul calls out to stop him, saying that all the prisoners are still there. The jailer asks them what he must do to be saved, and invites Paul and Silas to his home to baptize him and his whole family.

Paul and Silas travel through several regions preaching in Jewish synagogues and eventually reach the city of Athens. Paul delivers a speech in the marketplace, calling out the many idols filling the city and urging them to instead follow the one true God, the creator of all things, and Jesus who died and rose again. Many Athenians are astonished and believe.

Paul moves on to Corinth and stays with a man named Aquila and his wife Priscilla. In addition to Silas and Timothy, Paul partners with Aquila and Pricilla in ministry for several years, strengthening churches and sharing the gospel in surrounding regions.

What do we learn?

Though the Lord called Paul to do much work for the sake of the gospel, he never did any of it alone. The guidance of the Holy Spirit and God’s provision of ministry partners such as Silas, Timothy, Aquila, and Priscilla were crucial to the growth of the early church and are just as powerful today!

What should we do?

Do you often feel yourself trying to work solely out of your own strength? Today, if you feel overwhelmed or exhausted, pray to invite the Holy Spirit into your work and take a moment to identify people God has placed in your life who can come alongside you.

יום 12יום 14

על התכנית הזו


The book of Acts shows us how God used the disciples in the days after Jesus’ ascension to impact the world with the power of the Gospel message. We hope as you read, you’ll realize we are also called to be witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered with the Holy Spirit to go into this world.
