Advent - We Have Found The Kingדוגמה

Advent - We Have Found The King

יום 21 מתוך 29

This passage is so parallel to what we are going through right now in 2016. A new king is crowned and there is unrest and rebellion among the people. Sounds real familiar doesn’t it? I will not even attempt to get political, but only say that the people have spoken. Our worldly American voting system works and has worked for years and years.

What I want to convey to you is there is a higher order. Yes, we obey worldly laws to keep order but we should be more concerned about God’s laws and commands. God commands us to love Him and love one another as thyself above all other commands. So why are so many people treating each other with hate and resorting to physical harm over a worldly selection process?

God says to trust the plans He has for us, but do we? Do we only trust God when things go our way?

The world is outraged and God is displeased with our behavior. The Joy in this passage is He has a plan for us. We are called as believers to trust that plan and bring rest to the nation.

We will see many different worldly rulers in our lifetime but there is only one ruler for Christians. Christ’s throne is set up in the hearts of all believers.

Traci Squarcette, Resident Director, Independence Village

כתבי הקודש

יום 20יום 22