Advent - We Have Found The Kingדוגמה

Advent - We Have Found The King

יום 23 מתוך 29

Revelation is full of mysterious and vivid symbols. Before this passage, John has recounted a vision of six trumpets that display God’s action against evil, paralleling God’s action against Egypt in Exodus to set his people free from enslavement.

Now, the seventh trumpet sounds and with it comes peace and worship. God has set His whole creation free, and heaven cries out that finally, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Messiah, and He will reign forever and ever."

Jesus was always talking about the Kingdom. Whether describing it through parables or declaring that it is at hand, the Kingdom of God is central to Jesus’ message. He models in his prayer to pray that the Kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.

When Jesus bursts onto the scene, the Kingdom breaks out with Him. He declares that His followers are citizens of this incredible Kingdom where the mourners are comforted, the meek inherit the earth, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are filled, the merciful receive mercy, the pure in heart see God, and the peacemakers are called children of God.

The day is coming when all the world will glisten with the beauty of God’s love. When peace will be the reality. When all of God’s people and creation is set free from evil, sin, pain, and death.

Advent reminds us to hope toward that future, and live right now as citizens of that coming Kingdom.

The kingdom of the world is full of disappointment, pain and injustice, but we know the Kingdom of God is coming and is already at hand through the Church and God’s people. May we live in this world as citizens of the coming Kingdom. May we see wholeness in brokenness. May we fight for righteousness where the world oppresses. May we hope for the day when the kingdom of this world is reborn and resurrected to become the Kingdom of our Lord, on earth as it is in heaven. May we do the hard work of peacemaking. May we worship the God who has entered into our midst to bring forth hope and love. May we celebrate that we have been set free.

Evan Duncan, College Pastor, First Baptist Church, Temple

כתבי הקודש

יום 22יום 24