Getting to Know the Prophetsדוגמה

Getting to Know the Prophets

יום 6 מתוך 30


Scripture tells of Moses’s closeness with the Lord, conversing with him in the Tent of Meeting and on Mount Carmel in such close proximity that God’s glory shone brightly on his face, requiring him to wear a veil. The major and minor prophets whose books we are studying don't appear to have direct, "Moses-like" access to God. So, how did they receive the words of the Lord? The short answer is: we're not always told how.

Isaiah delivered many messages from the Lord during his time as a prophet, but the one we read about today came to him in a vision – and what a vision it was! Chapter 6 begins, “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up.…” Isaiah was supernaturally given sight into the throne room of God, where the holiness of the Lord is continually proclaimed by hosts of celestial beings. Imagine how humbled you would feel in the presence of the enthroned King of Kings. Like Isaiah, you might feel compelled to confess, “woe is me … a man of unclean lips.”

1. Has the holiness of God ever caused you to confess sin in your life?

2. Repeat this aloud: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty! Keep repeating throughout the day as this passage comes to mind.

Prayer: Lord, you are holy. Help me look more like you in all I do, say, and think.

יום 5יום 7